rue;. Visible:=True;. Visible:=True;. Visible:=True;;; TForm2. BitBtn5Click (Sender: TObject);. Enabled:=false;. Enabled:=false;. Close;. SQL. Clear;; TForm2. BitBtn4Click (Sender: TObject);. Enabled:=true; ComboBox4. ItemIndex=0 thenComboBox5. ItemIndex of
: begin. Close;
Продовження додатка Б. SQL. Clear;. SQL. Text:=«select idt, sum (kolvo), sum (summa), sum (skidka) from sale group by idt»;. Open;. Enabled:=true;;
: begin. Close;. SQL. Clear;. SQL. Text:=«select idt, sum (kolvo), sum (summa), sum (skidka) from sale where data =« »+ MaskEdit1. Text + «» group by idt »;. Open;. Enabled:=true;;
: begin. Close;. SQL. Clear;. SQL. Text:=«select idt, sum (kolvo), sum (summa), sum (skidka) from sale where data between« »+ MaskEdit1. Text + «» and «» + MaskEdit2. Text + «» group by idt »;. Open;. Enabled:=true;; ComboBox5. ItemIndex of
: if CheckBox2. Checked then. Close;. SQL. Clear;. SQL. Text:=«select idt, idcard, kolvo, cena, summa from sale where idt =« »+ Edit6. Text + «» »;. Open;. Enabled:=false;. Close;. SQL. Clear;. SQL. Text:=«select idt, sum (kolvo), sum (summa), sum (skidka) from sale where idt =« »+ Edit6. text + «» group by idt »;. Open;
Продовження додатка Б. Enabled:=false;;
: if CheckBox2. Checked then. Close;. SQL. Clear;. SQL. Text:=«select idt, idcard, kolvo, cena, summa from sale where (data =« »+ MaskEdit1. Text +"" ) and (idt =« »+ Edit6. Text +« »)»;. Open;. Enabled:=false;. Close;. SQL. Clear;. SQL. Text:=«select idt, sum (kolvo), sum (summa), sum (skidka) from sale where (data =« »+ MaskEdit1. Text +"" ) and (idt =« » + Edit6. text +" ") group by idt »;. Open;. Enabled:=false;;
: if CheckBox2. Checked then. Close;. SQL. Clear;. SQL. Text:=«select data, idt, idcard, kolvo, cena, summa from sale where (data between« »+ MaskEdit1. Text +« »and« »+ MaskEdit2. Text +« » ) and (idt=«» + Edit6. Text +" ") »;. Open;. Enabled:=false;. Close;. SQL. Clear;. SQL. Text:=«select idt, sum (kolvo), sum (summa), sum (skidka) from sale where (data between« »+ MaskEdit1. Text +« »and« »+ MaskEdit2. Text +" ") and (idt=«» + Edit6. text +" ") group by idt »;. Open;. Enabled:=false;;
Продовження додатка Б. Close;. SQL. Clear;. Text:=«»;. Text:=«»;. Text:=«»; («Неправильно введені дані»);;; TForm2. BitBtn6Click (Sender: TObject);: _WorkBook;: _WorkSheet;, J, K, R, C: Integer;: OleVariant;: Variant;. First;. RowCount:=Query1. RecordCount; i:=0 to Query1. RecordCount doj:=0 to Query1. FieldCount - 1 do. Cells [j, i]:=Query1. Fields. Fields [j]. AsVariant;. Next;; StringGrid1. Cells [0,1] <> «» then:=1;:=StringGrid1. RowCount;:=StringGrid1. ColCount;:=VarArrayCreate ([0, (R - 1), 0, (C - 1)], VarOleStr);:=0; J:=0 to (C - 1) do [I, J]:=StringGrid1 . Cells [J, I]; (I, 1); I> (R - 1);. Connect;. WorkBooks. Add (xlWBatWorkSheet, 0);:=XLApp. WorkBooks. Item [IIndex];:=WorkBk. WorkSheets. Get_Item (1) as _WorkSheet;. Range [«A1», Worksheet. Cells. Item [R, C]]. Value2:=TabGrid;
Продовження додатка Б. Name:=«rambutya lld»;. Columns. Font. Bold:=True;. Columns. HorizontalAlignment:=xlRight;. Columns. ColumnWidth:=14;. Range [«A» + IntToStr (1), «A» + IntToStr (R)]....