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Реферат Genre of fantasy in novel Joanne Rowling &Harry Potter&

les, such as the availability of magic items, magic animals, good and evil wizards, etc. J.K. Rowling uses a specific geographical space to emphasize the reality of what is happening.shuffles the world of reality and the world of magic to convince the reader that the events depicted in her work, is really happening around us. Through the main character - an ordinary boy living near London - we are immersed in the magical world, and with it come to believe in the reality of what at first glance seems incredible. , The product of a fantasy Harry Potter includes topics such as the myth: the birth of the hero (the miraculous rescue Harry as his second birth), his childhood (Harry brought up in a family of Dursley), refusal to return to the real world (Harry reluctantly returns to the Dursleys ) .in mythology, to fight against the dark forces of the universe, heroes JK Rowling have to meet face to face with the dark forces within him. Each new adventure shows them that they deserve to win. on the above said Harry Potter is a synthesis of a fairy tale and myth in the structure of fantasy works. [7, p.81]


Series of novels by Joan Kathleen Rowling Harry Potter raquo ;, consists of seven books, and was currently bestseller of children's literature. Books are chronicling the adventures of young wizard Harry Potter and his friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, enrolled in the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Hogwarts. The main plot is devoted to countering Harry and the dark wizard Lord Volan de Mort, whose objectives include the acquisition of immortality and the enslavement of the wizard world.is a combination of many genres, including fantasy, literary fairy tale, myth, and teenage romance with elements of adventure, detective, thriller and romance novel, Harry Potter is a synthesis of a fairy tale and myth in the structure of fantasy works. Also novel is full of simple symbolism and mythological foundation hidden subtext.main theme of Harry Potter acts struggle between good and evil, but this fight is not just between enemies, but also a struggle within himself. The book reveals the themes of love and sacrifice, loyalty, and wisdom.Kathleen Rowling opened the universal secret of the popularity of the novel - a symbiosis of quality written work, advertising campaigns and the factors that make heroes close to the reader. As a result, we got The era of Harry Potter raquo ;, which not only attracted to children but also adults.

List of references

Ахманова О.С. СЛТ. М .: Радянська енциклопедія, 1974. С. 607.

Роулінг, Дж.К. Гаррі Поттер і філософський камінь: Роман/Пер. з англ. І.В.Оранского/Дж.К.Ролінг. М .: РОСМЕН-ПРЕСС, 2002. - 399 с.

Роулінг, Дж.К. Гаррі Поттер і Таємна кімната: Роман/Пер. з англ. М.Д.Літвіновой/Дж.К. Роулінг. М .: РОСМЕН-ПРЕСС, 2002. - 473 с.

. Роулінг, Дж.К. Гаррі Поттер і в'язень Азкабану: Роман/Пер. з англ. М.Д.Літвіновой/Дж.К. Роулінг. М .: РОСМЕ11-ПРЕСС, 2002. - 511 с.

Роулінг, Дж.К. Гаррі Поттер і келих вогню: Роман/Пер. з англ. М.Д.Літвіновой, Н.А.Літвіновой, А.Г.Ляха, М.А.Межуева, Е.І.Саломатіной під ред. М.Д.Літвіновой/Дж.К. Роулінг.- М .: РОСМЕН-ПРЕСС, 2002. 667 с.

Роулінг, Дж.К. Гаррі Поттер і Орден Фенікса: Роман/Пер. з англ. В.Бабкова/Дж.К. Роулінг. М .: РОСМЕ11-ПРЕСС, 2002. - 827 с.

До питання про жанр твору Дж. К. Роулінг «Гаррі Поттер/Н. О. Грачова//Сучасна філологія: матеріали міжнар. науч. конф. (г. Уфа, квітень 2011 р.)- Уфа: Літо, 2011. - С. 78-81.

Словник іноземних слів raquo ;. Комлєв Н.Г., 2006

Структурно-типологічні та лексико-семантичні параметри літературної казки Дж. Роулінг і ресурси їх передачі на російську та німецьку мови Вовкодав Т. В.Автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата філологічних наук - 22.11.06

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