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Реферат Genre of fantasy in novel Joanne Rowling &Harry Potter&

ssence, the essence). Not by chance that Professor Minerva McGonagall (cf. Roman. Mythology. Minerva, or Greek. Athena, goddess of wisdom and war) led Harry to the game Quidditch raquo ;, thus helping him to go to a symbolic quest. Taking the quest, the hero inevitably comes in a fair fight, war resistance. [9] theme of love, friendship, loyalty, and family can be traced throughout the entire cycle. For, example, Harry s dearest wish that he saw in the mirror of Erised (Desire), was to have a family. Magic Power of Love leads Harry to win, this force is neglected Voldemord, relying on the power of dark magic. Books teach goodness, devotion and loyalty.of novels is a combination of many genres, including fantasy and teenage romance with elements of adventure, detective, thriller and romance, as well as includes many cultural references. According to Rowling, the main theme of the novel is death, although they are considered primarily as children's literature. In addition, the series covered such topics as prejudice and corruption. [13]

4. Signs of fantasy and literary tale in the novel J. Rowling Harry Potter

Harry Potter in terms of its genre structure has features not only fantasy and literature, folklore (magic) tales and myth .fairy tale - copyright, artistic, poetic or prosaic work based either on folk literature or purely original; work mostly fantastic, magical, wonderful adventure that paints fairy tale characters. The main features of the literary fairy tale - it has a particular author, unchanging text, recorded in writing, and most often it is larger in volume.of literary fairy-tales:

). The presence of the author (characteristic differences between literary and folk fairy tale)

). Installation on fiction (the author and the readers are sure that it refers to a fictional country, to the fictitious time).

). The presence of the number 3, connection with it (in the Harry Potter this Tournament Three Wizards, three gift of Death).

). Miracles, magic. fantasy harry potter fairy tale the fantasy genre works of JK Rowling inherited epic narrative and some initial tragedy (in the beginning Harry Potter is an orphan, he was forced to suffer, while living in his native home of Aunt). Fantasy hero must fulfill its mission, whatever it takes, but he is given the right to choose that generates contradictory, live human images. For example, the mission of the protagonist Harry Potter is to destroy dangerous and evil wizard, yet he did not succeed, and people will be in a state of constant threat to their lives. But as mentioned above, our hero can stay away and do not realize that it is destined, and may choose a different path and fight against evil. In his work on the Harry Potter we can observe one of the features of the fantasy genre, such as the possession of the protagonist honor, valor and justice, he even studying at the Faculty known for its brave students. J.K. Rowling Mixed reality and fiction - through the fairy veil discernible real country place. But due to the distortion of the fantasy they acquire a kind of mysterious color (for example, the entrance to the magical Diagon Alley is located in the heart of London in the backyard of a small bar, and to enter the Ministry of Magic need to use ordinary, unremarkable phone booth, which functions as an underground elevator). And the last thing that unites fantasy genre with the work of JK Rowling - is the world s diversity of fantastic creatures encountered throughout the narrative (elves, centaurs, winged horses, hippogriffs, grindilou etc.). Potter, as mentioned earlier, is not only a fantasy, but a fairy tale. Availability of specialized magical miracles that occur wonderful objects and helpers hero - a characteristic feature is a fairy tale, and in accordance with the already given us examples of magic objects are an integral part of the work, Harry Potter. Raquo; the main factor in the plot - a fairy tale plays miracle. Harry Potter completely permeated wonders - that turn people into animals (Transfiguration), and the movement of people in space (transgression), and enchanted items themselves to perform certain actions, and those who go to each other s people depicted in portraits Hogwarts and many others.of the genre as a kind of fairy tale fairy tales included in the genus epic, can more fully understand the mechanism of interaction of folklore and literary tales. Folk tale corresponds to a simple genre, literary - complex. Folk tale is a prototype, and the images that are present in it - the prototypical. It can serve as the basis of the literary fairy tale which, in turn, for its creation borrows funds set genre of folk tales (theme, plot, theme, image). For example, the Harry Potter tale includes elements of folk ta...

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