etween the municipal and state power is illustrated with the mechanism of realization of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. It is proved, what exactly maintenance of realization of constitutional rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen shows evidently n activity of political system of its subjects. Due to this system in the society rights and freedoms should turn from opportunities to validity. In fact recognition of human rights by the government is not the abstract fact, not the speculative statement, and the official action which finds its confirmation in the political system of the state, its legal policy, public statements of officials for adherence of corresponding ideology. In the legal, democratic, social and ekohumanistic state human rights, on the one hand, form the independent direction of a national policy, and on the other hand penetrate the purpose, value and the principle all other kinds of the state policy - economic, welfare, military, international, etc. [9] .is necessary to take into account, that at the level of local self-management, in the borders of local community, the prevailing part of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen find its realization. The civilized role of rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen is shown first of all in ordering of political, economic, social and other public relations, maintenance of autonomy and personal freedom of a person and his associations - territorial collectives. The requirement for the conventional order and validity is natural for any society and for the locally organized society which is the local community. Law and human rights establish certain norms of behaviour of people and they should not be violated not to generate conflicts and infringe rights and freedoms of other members of a society. Therefore human rights express the general scale and equal measure of freedom and responsibility.rights as a phenomenon of world culture reflect human life in the special qualitative condition connected with the confirmation in public consciousness and practice of idea of ??personal freedom. Thus, a person in the political system feels freely only in the mechanism of municipal power. Local self-management stipulates political, economic, spiritual and moral values ??and social achievements of the mankind in any sphere of political system and social development.conclusion we shall specify, that reality, capacity, system character of municipal power, its interrelations with the government and other institutes of political system of a society objectively depends on factors and conditions of development of this kind of the public power. Local self-management does not arise at once as the system, but at first as certain preconditions, objective factors which are formed under favorable conditions. Historical development of municipal power is the longtime process consisting of the set of historical stages which replace each other. Chronological limits of these stages appreciably have conditional character. Meanwhile the criteria of their allocation are sharp turning-points in development of statehood and institutes of the public power caused by set of nation-wide and regional, internal and external, political, economic, social, cultural, ecological and other tendencies and processes which determine the opportunity of occurrence, recognition and development of the local self-management. Depth, scope and frequency of transformations in local self-management are in general synchronous to the processes of rises and crises of statehood, changes in the system of the public power and social and economic sphere of the country, taking into account, that the local community, - the local part of the society, - in this or that degree reflects the common public laws.and crises of constitutionalism and statehood in each separate state correlate with the processes of transformation of the nature of local self-management, development of the corresponding theories, modifying mutual relations of municipal power with other subjects and institutes of the political organization of the society. Research of such rises and crises allows to realize the reasons of transformation of these mutual relations, to understand causes and effects of various political legal relation of the state-organized society to the local self-management and municipal power.dialectics of the Ukrainian variant of local self-management testifies to the fact, that occurrence of institutes of municipal democracy and self-management as indispensable attributes of the constitutional statehood and the civil society, gradual formation of the city law, and preservation of the long time direct democracy and self-management substantially determined occurrence of statehood in the Ukrainian districts and formation of the original model of domestic constitutionalism and municipal power. At the same time, detonating occurrence of statehood, local self-management has a...