Реферат Розробка програми для розв'язання систем лінійних рівнянь |
> gotoxy (1,1); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "H"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "elp"); gotoxy (9,1); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "I"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "nput"); gotoxy (18,1); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "D"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "ecision"); gotoxy (29,1); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "O"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "utput"); window (1,25,80,25); textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); cprintf ("Alt + X - exit "); gotoxy (70,1); textcolor (BLACK); } // --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- // курсор // --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- void cursor (int n) { if (n == 1) { window (1,1,5,1); textbackground (GREEN); clrscr (); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "H"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "elp"); window (5,1,5,1); textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); } if (n == 2) { window (9,1,14,1); textbackground (GREEN); clrscr (); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "I"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "nput"); window (14,1,14,1); textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); } if (n == 3) { window (18,1,26,1); textbackground (GREEN); clrscr (); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "D"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "ecision"); window (26,1,26,1); textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); } if (n == 4) { window (29,1,35,1); textbackground (GREEN); clrscr (); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "O"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "utput"); window (35,1,35,1); textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); } if (n == 6) { window (3,3,8,3); textbackground (GREEN); clrscr (); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "A"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "bout"); window (8,3,8,3);
textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); } if (n == 7) { window (3,4,7,4); textbackground (GREEN); clrscr (); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "T"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "ask"); window (7,4,7,4); textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); } if (n == 8) { window (10,3,18,3); textbackground (GREEN); clrscr (); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "K"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "eyboard"); window (18,3,18,3); textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); } if (n == 9) { window (10,4,14,4); textbackground (GREEN); clrscr (); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "F"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "ile"); window (14,4,14,4); textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); } if (n == 10) { window (30,3,37,3); textbackground (GREEN); clrscr (); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "D"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "isplay"); window (37,3,37,3); textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); } if (n == 11) { window (30,4,34,4); textbackground (GREEN); clrscr (); textcolor (RED); cprintf ("% s", "F"); textcolor (BLACK); cprintf ("% s", "ile"); window (34,4,34,4); textbackground (LIGHTGRAY); clrscr (); } } // --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- // функція введення натурального числа // --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- int n_input (int max) { char ch; char str [100]; int i = 0; do { ch = (char) getch (); if (i == 0) { if ((Ch> '0 ') && (ch <= '9')) { str [i + +] = ch; putch (ch); } } else { if ((Ch> = '0 ') && (ch <= '9')) { str [i + +] = ch; ...
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