electronic document management, determined by laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On normative legal acts "," Administrative Procedures, "Regulations of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Regulations on the departmental archives, Instruction on office, these Regulations and other legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.and management of the secret proceedings are carried out in accordance with the Instructions to ensure secrecy in the Republic of Kazakhstan, approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.at the Ministry is based on:
В· strategic and program documents of complex oil and gas industry;
В· strategic Plan of the Ministry, which is being developed for a five year period;
В· memorandum between the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Oil and Gas;
В· operational plan of the Ministry;
В· Ministry report on the implementation of the strategic plan of the Ministry;
В· position of the Ministry, orders of higher authorities, government requests and other organizations.
Achievement of target indicators and indicators of direct results of problems, the Strategic Plan is a priority of the Ministry departments, including departments.year, after the approval of the Strategic Plan, a memorandum between the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Economic Development and Trade.operational plan is developed annually to the implementation of the Strategic Plan and approved by order of the Executive Secretary.the end of the past year, the Ministry draws up a report on the implementation of the Strategic Plan.the implementation, monitoring, analysis, adjustment measures and annual approval of strategic and operational plans, memoranda, and reporting of the Ministry, is a structural unit of Corporate Development.decision to exclude or supplement the activities of the Operational Plan or moving deadlines adopted by Executive Secretary on the basis of the memo, presented by the structural unit - responsible for the execution of the event and coordinated with the structural division of Corporate Development.submitted to the Executive Secretary at least 15 days before the due date of execution of the event.of control over timely and quality execution of orders in accordance with the Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan", the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On administrative procedures ", the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 2, 1998 № 4097" On approval of the Regulation on the Procedure for, negotiation, presentation at the signature acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and enforcement of acts and orders of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan ", and other regulations and these regulations.
2. Analysis of the Department of Petroleum
.1 General terms, the main tasks, functions, and rules of the Department of Petroleum
Department of the oil industry is part of the Ministry of Oil and Gas of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Department of the oil industry operates in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts of the President and Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Regulations of the Ministry, the orders and instructions of the Ministry and these Regulations.composition of the structural units of the Department of the oil industry includes:
. Management monitoring oil
. Management of the organization and production of oil refining oil
. Management monitoring of oil and the development of new oil projectsand monitoring of oil are. Accounting and control of production, operational data integration, visualization of data from disparate sources, the automation of operational analysis, search inefficient wells and equipment, diagnosis, wells, production accounting, counting on the fact track of all the events and stories of the wells and equipment.controls are involved in the formation of strategic and operational plans of the Ministry within the purview of the Department as well as the need to participate in the organization conducting research on matters within the competence of the Department also participated in the need to improve information systems within the competence Department including exercise recording and storage of documents, control of the state and safety, before being deposited in the archives of the Ministry, within its competence, expertise...