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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Smart House - the house of Future

Реферат Smart House - the house of Future

is an energy supply system. Even if the electricity in the district will go down Mr. Gates still will be able to watch TV. The security of Microsoft s king is provided by skillfully hidden cameras (there are about 50 of them). There are also 2 cameras that detect the car number when it enters the gates or passes by.

Everyone who is inside the house has a pin with RFID (Radio Frequency Identification). If you want to enter the house you need to get such pin from the security, which is not so easy. And after you receive this pin you will have access only to some rooms. For other rooms doors will be closed for you. Identification of the RFID gives for Mr. Gates great opportunity to show his hospitability. Because with this pins he can program that your favorite music or sound effect will follow you in every room of the house, the illumination will be set according to your preferences and even the smell in the room will be your favorite rose or chocolate.of the house can enjoy the beautiful paintings of famous painters such as Van Gogh or Rembrandt. These paintings are shown on the plasma panels. They can also visit picture gallery where Gates keeps some original paintings. But for very rare and valuable paintings access is limited. If the guest turn offs the route, the system will immediately detect it, by reading information from RFID pin and will inform the host with a very loud sound signal.the grass and bushes in front of his house have their own watering system. Each bush is watered with a set amount of water with set pressure.building this house Bill Gates spent 7 years. The best US building company did everything to implement the dream of their famous client. The result is a perfect system, which is controlled by hundreds of computers, by three professional securities and one engineer. Systems of water cleaning provide house with clean water, air-conditioners make the air in the house fresh, vacuum cleaner robots clean the house.people will say, what if something will go wrong? The whole house then will be in chaos. But smart projectors of this house predicted this thing too. If something will happen with a system (which is unlikely to happen) each device has its equivalent manual control. p align="justify"> Of course the secret project of Bill Gate s house know only he and two more people who helped him to develop this idea. They signed the document which declares that they will never open this secret to anyone. ( Екскурсія в найдорожчий В«розумний дімВ» у світі [Excursion to the Most Expensive Smart Home in the World]. )

House-friend of elders

looked at all gadgets and systems, that are usually present at Smart houses. Some houses may have all of them some may have just some. If talk about houses designed for aged generation, they are pretty much the same. Everything is done in order to achieve comfort of the elder inhabitant of the house. However, the main emphasis is made on the making life of aged people easier and safer. Let s look at the first case, where Smart house helps people with memory disorders.

Case # 1

According to BBC news, in 2000 year a new gadget was developed to be a part of a smart house technology. Elders are usually tended to forget things. How many times your grandma asked you if you have seen her glasses or bag? Now you have the solution. Engineers created a house adapted to elderly people and also for people with developing dementia. p align="justify"> The idea of ​​such house first came to Professor Jane Gillard of Dementia Voice after she saw a house developed for people with disabilities. Her main purpose was to make a comfortable house for people whose main problem is forgetfulness. "The design philosophy is to emulate what a good live-in carer would do", she says. "We're not wanting the house to take control of people's lives but to enable them to live safer and more securely in their own homes for longer. "houses are fitted with a wall sensory panel. Unlike in typical smart houses, on this panel every function has a picture. This was made because aged people, as a rule, do not remember all these names, and it is more difficult for them to read than to see the picture. For example if you forgot where did you put your keys, you need just to press the button with a picture of a keys. Special chip in the keys will send a sound signal to inform you where they are.of such houses is in Gloucester. The system is pretty easy. All the switches in the house are fitted with bright lighting stripes, so that elders can easily see and find them. In the kitchen cupboards are w...

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