of this fact the demand on their mortgage sheets and shares was increasing constantly. The demand on the shares grew also because of constant high dividends.
Creating mortgage organizations, the government saw their tasks in the fact that the land and the city property, attracted into the banking circulation, was transferred from "weak" to "strong" owners, who could organize developed production and thus could serve for increase of welfare of Russia. /11/
In Russia before the revolution the dynamic market of houses was organized, which was based on strong crediting-financial system, which was founded on pledges and promissory notes. None the less the main object of the mortgage crediting was the land but not the dwelling. The mortgage credit at that time as a rule was associated with land credit and was granted by the different types of land banks, that is the mortgage without dwelling dominated. On the contrary for the period after revolution the granting of credit under dwelling, but without mortgage, was typical, because there were not conditions for development of mortgage: the land - the invariable factor of mortgage - was nationalized.
None the less, in the soviet period the experience of dwelling crediting was formed in our country, which is in principle the base of mortgage crediting. The practice of crediting of dwelling construction in the USSR presents considerable interest. So for a long period of time the organizations of the State Bank of the USSR granted long-term credits to the population for cooperative and individual dwelling construction. The typical feature of organization of individual dwelling construction was the absence of immediate contact of the borrower with bank. The credits were granted to the population not directly but through the organizations in which the individual borrowers worked; the enterprises were guarantors of loans return. The redemption was realized by deduction of payments for credit directly from salary of the borrowers of their enterprises. The credits for dwelling were not assured by real estate or other property, and withdrawal of the property for realization in the purposes of redemption of loan was not used.
In the future, with the reorganization of the credit system, the range of the granted credits developed. The loans began to be granted not only for individual construction of the house, but also for purchase of dwelling, and for construction of second house. The question of crediting of dwelling through construction cooperative societies was resolved.
The State Bank of the USSR had separate elements in the organization of crediting of individual construction which were typical for mortgage system. Particularly the connection of construction of house with land was stipulated.
The practice of bank right protection before the other creditors existed in the form of immediate redemption of the loan from the value of the house. In th...