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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Новые рефераты » Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

Реферат Nature and value of the enterprise infrastructure

nd in small-scale and unit - about 5% of the equipment. Units that are part of enterprise management tool, perform the particular function. Instrumental Department is engaged in supplying tools and devices that are manufactured on specialized tool factories and designing technological equipment for their own needs. Toolroom manufactures, repairs and restoration of special rigging (tool) for general use. All purchased, manufactured and repaired (restored) tool comes to the central tool storage. Here is his acceptance, registration, storage and delivery shops (stations, production)-consumers. Direct service job shop production accessories provide instrumental and handouts pantry. They receive from the central tool of technological equipment, maintain its revolving fund, collect and transmit to the central part of the tool is worn out. [6, p .. 286] The manufacture of products the company is accompanied by movement of a variety of goods (raw materials, fuels, waste products, finished products), which requires significant expenditure on transport services production, a clear organization which provides a combination of all elements of the production process. Complex units engaged in cargo unloaded В¬ their work and movement of goods, utvoryuye transport sector. [6, p .. 288] The main objectives of the transport sector are: fast and smooth movement of the objects of labor, fuel and finished products according to the manufacturing process and effective use of vehicles and transport workers labor, mechanization and automation of transport and handling, reducing the cost of transport operations, ensuring strict consistency technological and transport operations, maintaining a constant vehicle in working condition. Relevant tasks of the transport sector are coordinating the work of industrial transport of the main rail, water, road, an extensive development package and container freight. Execution of the tasks depends on the proper organization of the transport sector, a clear planning of transport, a reasonable selection of vehicles, increased mechanization and automation of handling. [2, p .. 265] Modern mechanical engineering related to the consumption of large amounts of electricity, fuel and other energy (steam, compressed air, hot water) and the provision of communications systems The objectives of the energy sector are: providing permanent company, its divisions and jobs all the established forms of energy parameters, the measures aimed at saving and efficient use of energy and all kinds of fuel assembly and organization of power equipment operation, maintenance and repair of power, implementation of control of standards, operating rules, maintenance of power equipment and networks, increased energy available labor, implementation of measures for improvement and development of energy managemen. [2, p .. 252]


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