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Реферат Procedure of preparation business-plan


. Which marketing promotions or media avenues seem to offer the best vehicles for reaching the consumer base?

And ask the following questions:

. How much disposable income do target consumers have to spend on this product?

2. How do your target consumers reach purchasing decisions?

. Are consumers resold on a particular brand before they visit a store or do they buy on impulse?

. What characteristics influence the purchase of one product or service over a competing one?

3.2 Marketing program

Outline the details and steps necessary to reach potential customers and convert them from prospects to paying customers. It is important to demonstrate to investors that you have identified specific marketing avenues and procedures to effectively sell your product or service. Answer questions such as the following in your marketing program section:

. What specific marketing mediums will you use to reach your customer?

2. How often will each be used?

. What will each cost?

. Why did you choose these marketing avenues over others?

. What marketing materials will you need? (Business cards, brochures, website, etc)

. Who will design your marketing materials?

. Who will write the text for your marketing materials?

. Why did you decide to employ these materials and not others?

. What is the cost of marketing materials per prospect or client? (You may choose to include marketing pieces in the appendix of your business plan)

. Will your company be able to attract free PR?

. Who will write your press releases, manage the process, and maintain relationships with editors?

. What dollar value will you invest to obtain and maintain PR results?

. How will your marketing and PR efforts change as your business grows?

Advertising and promotion.

Use this section to provide an overview of your general promotional plan. Give a breakou...

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