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Реферат Procedure of preparation business-plan

t of what methods and media you intend to use and why. If you have developed an advertising slogan or unique selling proposition you may mention it, but it isn t strictly necessary.should outline the proposed mix of your advertising media, use of publicity, and other promotional programs:

. Explain how your choice of marketing vehicles will allow you to reach your target market;

2. Explain how they will enable you to best convey your product features and benefits.

Be sure that your advertising, publicity, and promotional programs sound realistic, based upon your proposed marketing budget. Effective advertising, generally, relies on message repetition in order to motivate consumers to make a purchase. If you are on a limited budget, it is better to reach fewer, more likely prospects, more often, than too many people occasionally. p align="justify"> Sales.

Sales strategy needs to be in harmony with your business strategy, marketing strategy, and your company s strengths and weaknesses. For example, if your start-up company is planning on selling products to other businesses in a highly competitive marketplace, your market entry will be easier if you rely on wholesalers or commissioned sales representatives who already have an established presence and reputation in the marketplace. If your business will be selling high-tech products with a range of customized options, your sales force needs to be extremely knowledgeable and personablemarketing plan is typically designed to establish a framework for management to use as they pursue the marketing and sales objectives. It should be built on the results of your market research and the specific value proposition of your product or service. In general, a marketing plan is a limited form of a business plan that has a limited scope and the marketing emphasis.to any other business document, it is not only important for the marketing plan to have the right content, but it must also be presented in a way that is informative and maintains the reader's interest.

3.3 Competitive factors

In this section you need to do an in-depth analysis of the competitive advantages and weaknesses of your firm. When exploring weaknesses you should include information that will help allay any concerns that may arise as to their ability to significantly hinder your success.section is important, especially if your company is a start-up, because you will, typically, be competing with established companies that have inherent advantages such as financial strength, name recognition, and established distribution channels.your competitors: list competitors by name, location, and their strengths and weaknesses; your competit...

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