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Реферат Edcation system in the USA

or departments (5 - 7). The infant school has its own building and playground and is next to the junior school, with its own building and playground. So, although you move up into junior school at 7 you do not have to change completely. There are usually about 35 children in a class and, in the infant school, as well as a teacher, there is usually a teacher's assistant. Also mothers (and occasionally, fathers) often go into the Infant Schools to help with painting, reading and practical lessons. Emphasis in the infant school is on learning through experience, through drawing, painting, musical activities, movement and play. Children learn to read, write a little and do simple counting.are bright and cheerful with children's work displayed on the walls and books, games and a computer in each classroom. The children usually sit in groups at tables and have drawers to keep their work in.7 many children move to junior school or departments, where the work is more systematic. Children learn English, maths, science and technology, geography and religious knowledge. A lot of learning is done through project or topic work, with an emphasis on children finding things out for themselves. They also learn about the environment and, of course, do art, music and PE Children have the same teacher for one year and she teaches nearly all of the lessons in the class. Perhaps another teacher has them once a week for music or physical training. The government is discussing changing this so that there are more specialist teachers in the Junior Schools. The children would then have different teachers for different lessons. The usual age for transfer from primary school to secondary school is 11 (12 in Scotland). p align="justify"> EDUCATION

At the age of 11 pupils transfer from primary school to secondary school. About 90 per cent of state secondary school pupils go to Comprehensive schools. These were introduced in 1960s and the word "comprehensive" means all-inclusive. Most of these schools are very large and vary in size, 900 to 1,500 pupils is the most common. They take children of all abilities and provide a wide range of secondary education, both academic and practical, for all or most of the children in a district within the 11 - to 18 - age range (12 to 18 in Scotland). Four per cent of children attend Grammar Schools which they enter at the age of 11 on the basis of their abilities. Grammar Schools offer a mainly academic education for the 11 to 18 or 19-year age group.per cent of children attend Secondary Modern Schools which provide a more general education up to the age of 16, although pupils can stay beyond the minimum leaving age. the age of 16 students may leave secondary school and enter some type of training courses. 65% of all children leave the secondary school. p align="justify"> EDUCATION

All 16 - and 17-years olds are guaranteed a place in full-time educ...

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