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Реферат The battle of good and evil in literature of the XIX century

ing», «twinkle», and «gay» in his poem to describe this wondrous view. When things happen to get rough, the narrator simply thinks of the daffodils and his mood is thus transformed.character transformations are not always constructed by the author to go from unhappy to pleasurable. They can just as easily convert the other way. For example, in The Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the conversion of the wedding guest goes from a delightful and carefree outlook to a much sadder and yet more knowledgeable one. The targeted wedding guest, who has just come from a wedding and is about to dine upon the merry din, is suddenly stopped by a stranger known as the ancient mariner. After the mariner imparts his sad tale onto the selected wedding guest, it seems that the wedding guest «s outlook has suddenly been tainted by what the mariner has said to him. Instead of attending the party, he turns away. «He went like one that hath been stunned, and is of sense forlorn: a sadder and a wiser man, he raised the morrow morn». Unlike that of the narrator in Wordsworth »s poem, the wedding guest seems to have changed from a merry guest at a wedding party to a sadder and wiser man. Although he too was given a moral that combats evil and that was «to love both man and bird and beast». There are times when one or both parties are unable to partake in any type of transformation for whatever the reason. It could be that they are unable to understand the others point of view because of a number of factors like status in society, age, or personality. In William Wordsworth «s poem called« We Are Seven », the seemingly wealthy male passerby is unable to comprehend the fact that a poor little cottage girl still counts her deceased brother and sister among the living. Many would have reason to say that the older gentleman seems to have a pessimistic view on life while the little girl a more optimistic one. Although the man tries to push her into seeing the «correct» answer, she refuses to give in and continues to reply in response to his correction that there is only five of them, «Nay, we are seven». Wordsworth is trying to show his readers the black and white worlds these two very different individuals inhabit. The man is much older and wiser and has a scientific perspective on the situation. He is thinking rationally and logically, much the same way an older generation would think. As long as the two little children are not living and breathing, he sees that there are only five children. Also adding to the fact, he never knew these children to be alive so he has had no personal connection with them. It also may be that because they are not of the wealthier upper class but members of the poor lower class that their existence does not account for as much. But to the little girl, her brother and sister were very much a part of this world and are still alive in her memories. Her insistence that her brother and sister still count is quite charming and depicts her childhood innocence. The man soon becomes frustrated that the little maiden would not learn from him. «But they are dead: those two are dead! Their spirits are in heaven! Twas throwing words away; for still the little Maid would have her will, and said, Nay, we are seven! »The old gentleman demonstrates his maturity by letting the little girl have her way and get the last word. At the very end of the poem, the reader gets a sense that neither the man nor the li...

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