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Реферат Monasteries in various religions

tecture style and called palace monasteries. These Tao Palaces were built so that they were divided into two sections with the main hall built like a palace that honors the deity associated with the particular site. The other part was simple quarters for the monks.a monastery will have strict rules of conduct to protect its unworldly members from temptation. In some monasteries, the monks are totally silent; in others no visitors are allowed inside. Monasteries usually have many daily rituals and religious services.the ages monasteries have often been centers of learning. In remote areas the monks may be the only literate people for miles around. Monks have often been employed as scribes, copying out the words of their religion's sacred scripture. Monasteries frequently have extensive libraries, holding religious, scientific, medical and philosophical texts.

Sikhism monasteries

family-oriented living is prohibited. A Sikh is encouraged not to live as a recluse, beggar, yogi, monastic (monk/nun) or celibate. The order within Sikhism that approximates Hindu standards of monasticism is called the Udasis. The order originated with the followers of Sri Chand, son of the founder of Sikhism. The Udasis require asceticism and celibacy of their members. The other Sikh order, the Khalsa, is not strictly monastic. It was founded as a military brotherhood late in the 17th century, when Sikhs were being persecuted by Muslims. Now the dominant Sikh order, it admits both men and women. Initiates agree to wear uncut hair (and beards for men), a comb, short trousers, a steel bracelet, and a double-edge dagger. They also avoid tobacco and liquor [1] .

monastic way of life, often characterized by individuals who seek to separate themselves from the world either alone (eremitic) or with a group of others (cenobiti) for some higher purpose, has existed for over two thousand years. This is evident whether one speaks of Buddhist monks in Tibet, Coptic monks in the deserts of Egypt or Benedictine monks in America. A person will see the common theme of people living a disciplined, prayerful life together for some shared religious goal. True monastic communities have sets of rules. There are disciplines - including prayer, worship, study, work, and service - that are obligatory for all members.must be clearly understood that, in the case of the monk, asceticism is not an end in itself. Monastic asceticism then means the removal of obstacles to loving God, and what these obstacles are is clear from the nature of love itself. It is renunciation and broadly speaking this renunciation has three great branches corresponding to the three counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience.must be clearly understood however, that monasticism has never become stereotyped in practice, and that it would be quite false to hold up any single example as a supreme and perfect model. Monasticism is a living thing and consequently it must be informed with a principle of self-motion and adaptability to its environment. Only one thing must always remain the same and that is the motive power which brought it into existence and has maintained it throughout the centuries.work could be used as extra handbook for studying religions or as information for consideration. br/>

List of literature

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