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Реферат Origin and essence of global problems

re, and, looking narrowly there and here, now it is possible to learn such family. It is the oasis, the thrown live grain among dead fabric of marriage, it doesn »t hurry anywhere to anybody doesn't« gather » and to itself «waits» for nobody. In it there is any own light, heat, poetry. Often it are silent families, that is all exclamatory or, at least, all fussy is excluded from them, their members «dig» the friend about the friend, that is occupied everyone with the business, but «about» each other, by all means in physical almost a contact. Such families are brought down in «small group» here is both light, and warmth of live character: it even is noticeable by not concentration, usual lack of «magnificence». Long and attentively studying their mental warehouse, always it is possible to notice that - whether in instincts, in guesses or in any warm atmosphere of breath - but their «religiousness» and «sanctity» of marriage is advanced slightly further, than ordinary, and a little deep into. For example, at them the religious feeling of children - religious feeling of the birth is noticeable. It affects in the note informing about «family addition», in a way of the invitation to «christening», is imperceptible - but with any solemnity in all this, at all absent in passive families where the birth almost also disappears, it makes same «awkwardness», as well as wedding. Without light of religion in mysterious «uses» of the life, people uncontrollably began to rot in them, and the «European» civilization, only «European», uncontrollably blurs from «passive» marriage simply in prostitution. There is no fire, there is no mysterious and burning fire of the pulling together person in «marriage»- It is so obvious and it is obvious only in Europe, with its beginning «degeneration»! We from within grew cold, the gulf in myself the sacred center and on a place sacred to it sacrifices having arranged dumped sewage. Here knot of European civilization, our philosophical defects, and griefs of our day.

Poverty problem

share of the population of developing countries on our planet makes 4/5 from all population, and to the middle of the XXI century will make 9/10 (forecast). These numbers are very disturbing! Testify to obviously unsuccessful situation in the modern world. The vast majority of the population of developing countries has no normal living conditions. The economy of developing countries strongly lags behind a level of production of the developed countries, and it isn «t possible to reduce a gap yet.housing problem is very sharp: 3/4 population of developing countries live actually in insanitary conditions, 250 million people live in slums, 1,5 billion people are deprived of elementary medical care. About 2 billion people have no opportunity to use safe water for health. Over 500 million people suffer from malnutrition, and 30-40 million annually die of hunger.what their backwardness prevents developing countries to overcome? The reasons on it are a little.of all, it must be kept in mind that it is the agrarian countries. Over 90% of country people of the world but as it is paradoxical fall to their share, they aren »t able to support even themselves as population growth in them exceeds a gain of production of the food.reason needs to master new technologies, to develop the industry, a services sector, and demands participation in world...

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