ding scholars. de Chernatony outlines how for service brands, physical cues such as the logo, clothes employees wear and premises are particularly important as they help distinguish a brand. Keller also observes that, due to the intangible nature of service offerings, «symbols» can be used by the brand owner to convey the brand identity in a more concrete and real manner. These views are consistent with the broader service marketing literature which notes how service brands frequently try to «tangibilize» their offering through «symbolism». As can be seen from the above, brand identity scholars tend to use the terms «symbol» or «symbolism» and «logo» interchangeably with the latter falling under the domain of the corporate visual identity literature.limited number of B2B scholars have embraced corporate visual identity from a broader perspective as initially developed in the B2C literature.and Axelsson acknowledge the role of premises and employees play in building a B2B brand whilst Kotler and Pfoertsch consider the efficacy of metaphor as a vehicle for conveying brand values, attributes or personality. Taking a broader perspective, Keller and Lehmann consider the importance of names, logos, symbols, packaging and slogans as part of a B2B brand building process.integrated marketing communications has not been identified in the relevant literature as a dimension of brand identity, several scholars outline the important role marketing communications play in mobilizing brand identity. Aaker and Joachimsthaler note «a key step in implementing a brand identity is communicating it to organisational members and partners» whilst Aaker considers marketing communication a critical part of brand identity «execution». When introducing his framework, de Chernatony makes reference to «presenting the brand to stakeholders» where «presentation» is synonymous with marketing communications.role marketing communications plays in B2B markets has been noted in the relevant literature for some time with Mudambi highlighting how B2B brands must communicate the value of their brands to a range of stakeholders if they are to leverage their full potential. Kotler and Pfoertsch note B2B encounters are complex interactions affected by multiple stakeholders organizations « communicate with. Consistent with de Chernatony et al. recommend marketers » consider all stakeholders that might influence a customers perception when devising their communications strategy.terms of communication focus, B2B brands focus on the organization and not specific product lines. This is a function of the extensive brand lines most B2B organizations have. Blomback and Axelsson elaborate on this point by emphasizing how B2B communications should look to convey organizational abilities and opposed to focusing on a given brand line «s benefits. Han and Sung suggest that to create brand value, B2B organizations need to develop marketing communications that augment their corporate brand as opposed to focusing on a range of line brands.personality is the salient dimension of several brand identity models. Aaker »s« brand-as-person » perspective «suggests a brand identity that is richer and more interesting than one based on product attributes» whilst de Chernatony «s notes how brand personality« brings the brand »s emotional values ??to life«. Kapferer's Identity Prism also considers personality as a brand identity facet that »shows what kind of person it would b...