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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Professional sea English language

Реферат Professional sea English language

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CaptainHow do you do, sir? PilotHow do you do. Pleased to meet you, sir. In an how we'll be nearing the port we are bound for.CaptainShall we anchor at the outer roadstead? PQotYes, we'll have to wait for the tide, as it is ebb time now. The depths in the entrance to the port are not sufficient for the ship's draught.CaptainAll right, we'll do that/What is the anchor position for me? PilotAnchor position 178 В° half a mile off-shore is allocated to you.CaptainWhat are the depths at the anchorage? PilotThe depths are about 19 fathoms; the anchorage is well sheltered from winds.CaptainWhat is the nature of the bottom there? PilotThere is good holding ground: soft mud and patches of sand.CaptainThat 's good. Is there enough room at the anchorage for swinging? PilotYes, there's plenty.CaptainAll right Shall we keep the present course? PilotI advise you to alter course to 65 В° when abeam with No. 16 buoy; there is a shoal just ahead of you. So be careful while approaching the position allocated to you.CaptainThank you. I'll see to that. 2

PilotWe are proceeding to the anchorage allocated to us. In half an hour weTl be there. It's time to notify the engine room and to get the anchors ready.CaptainAll right. Which anchor shall we drop? PilotWe'll use the starboard anchor.CaptainHow much of chain shall we need? PilotI think four shackles will do.CaptainWhat landmarks shall we have there for the anchorage? PilotThere is a conspicuous black tower on the coast, which should be kept on bearing 75 В° and the lighthouse at the port entrance which should bear 95 В°. You must steer for that tower till the port lighthouse opens to southward.CaptainWell, but how shall we proceed then? PilotThen we shall alter the course 45 В° to starboard and steer to lighthouse till we are half a mile off-shore. That is our anchorage.CaptainAll right, that's clear. We are proceeding into the port. I have already given orders to stand by to weigh anchor. 10. Video activitywatching the video programme "Anchoring" study the dialogue and be ready to watch the film: Master and the Chief Officer (C/O) are in the wheelhouse. Ibis ship is proceeding (at slow ahead) towards the anchorage. The forecastle party consists of the Chief Officer (C/O) and the Bosun.

MasterMate, we are approaching the anchorage. Go forward with the bo'sun and prepare the port anchor for letting go. We will use five shackles in the water.C/OYes, Captain. Go forward and prepare the port anchor to let go. We will use five shackles in the water.MasterYes. Walk the anchor back to just above the water and hold it on the brake.C/OWalk the anchor back to just above the water and hold it on the brake. Yes, Sir.MasterDead Slow ahead.2/0 (to Master) Dead slow ahead, Sir.Master (to 2/0) Stop engine.2/0Stop engine. Engine stopped, Sir.Master (to 2/0) Half astern.2/0 (to Master) Half astern.Master (on radio) "Arabiyah", Captain to Mate. Is the anchor ready for letting go? C/O (on radio) "Arabiyah", Mate to Captain. Port anchor ready for letting go. The anchor is just above the water.MasterSecond Mate, what is the sounding? 2/0Sounding forty metres, Sir.Master (on radio) "Arabiyah", Captain to Mate. Let go port anchor. p align="justify"> UNIT 10. WEATHER


and readingthese words orally, and then read the text

^ Humidity - вологість, вогкість

Ф * Precipitation - (зд. метеор.) опади

Ф * Pressure - тиск

^ Scale - зд. шкала

^ Obsolete - застарілий * Vapour ~ пар (и), туман * Moisture - волога, вологість * Saturation - насиченість (вологість повітря)

^ Imminent - насувається, близьке

(* "Drizzle - паморозь, невеликий дощ

^ # <елУ - град

^ S/eef - дощ зі снігом, сльота

te9 "Merely - тільки, просто

^ Rotation - обертання

^ Hemisphere - півкуля

fa-Clockwise - за годинниковою стрілкою

ВЈ " Forecast - прогноз погодиL Read the text and learn the definitions for the meteorological elements mentioned: elementsconditions have a great influence on the safety during a voyage and should always be taken into consideration in voyage-planning and when underway.state of the atmosphere is determined by various meteorological elements, such as temperature, humidity; cloudiness and fog, forms of precipitation, barometric pressure, and speed and direction of wind. All these elements may be referred to as "the weather". Change in temperature is significant in we...

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