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Реферат The manager as a teacher: selected aspects of stimulation of scientsfsc thinking

be able to take up 2000 ml/min О2, while he/she is able to uptake take up only 1000 ml/min О2,? The patient would then have a problem which can be solved only by means of some kind of health care actions or by changing conditions of life. In clinical practice we almost do not assess the patient's functional condition from the stand point of its correspondence to living conditions. Of course, it is trivial and we guess it, but for the time being there are no objective criteria and corresponding methodology for the evaluation of conformity of the functional reserves of the patient's organism with the conditions of his/her life activity. Ergonomics is impossible without systemic analysis. Major criterion of sufficiency of the organism's functions in the given conditions of life is the absence of the occurrence of vicious circles (see below) at the given level of routine existential loads. If vicious circles arise in the given conditions, it is necessary either to somehow strengthen the function of the organism's systems or the patient will have to change his/her living conditions so that vicious circles do not work, or otherwise he/she will always be in poor health with all the ensuing consequences. So, we need not only to know due minimum or maximum values ​​which we may obtain using statistical mathematical models. We also need to know the patient's everyday due values ​​of the same parameters specific for the given concrete patient so that his/her living conditions do not cause the development of pathological processes and destroy his/her organism. To this effect we need deterministic mathematical models.

Stabilization systems and proportional systems. There exist a great number of types of various systems. But stabilization systems and proportional systems are of special importance for us. In respect of the first one the result of action always remains the same (stable), it does not depend on the force of external influence, but on the command. For example, рН of blood should be always equal to 7.4, blood pressure to 120/80 mm Hg, etc., (homeostasis systems) regardless of external influences. In respect of the second one the result of action depends on the force of external influence under any specific law designated by the command and is proportional to it. For example, the more physical work we perform the more О2 we should consume and excrete СО2. Stabilization system uses two receptors, "Х" and "Y". The "Х" receptor is used to start up the system depending on the presence of external influence, while the "Y" receptor is used for the measurement of the result of action. The command (the task specifying the value of the result of action) is entered to the command entry point of the stabilization system's control block. Stabilization system should fulfill this task, i.e. support (stabilize) the result of action at the designated level irrespective of the force of external influence. S...

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