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Реферат The manager as a teacher: selected aspects of stimulation of scientsfsc thinking

evaluate parameters of living system. In the lapse of time in process of accumulation of knowledge statistical models are replaced by deterministic. Engineering/technology is much simpler than biology and medicine because the objects of its knowledge are rather simple systems (machinery/vehicles) constructed by a man. Therefore, its development and process of replacement of statistical mathematical models for deterministic ones has made great strides as compared with medicine. Nevertheless, on the front line of any science including technical, where there is still no clarity about many things and still a lot has to be learnt, statistics stands its ground as it helps to reveal elements of systems and laws of their interaction. What do we examine the subject and conduct estimation of functions of the systems of his organism for? Do we do it in order to know to which extent he/she differs from the homothetic subject? Probably, yes. But, perhaps, the main objective of examination of a patient is to determine whether he/she can normally exist without medical aid and if not, what kind of help might be provided. Pathological process is a process of destruction of some SFU of the organism's systems in which one of the key roles is played by a vicious circle. However, vicious circles start to actuate only if certain degree of load is present. They do not emerge below this level and do not destroy SFU, ie no pathological process emerges and no illness occurs below a certain threshold of loading (mechanical, thermal, toxic, etc.). Hence, having defined a threshold of the onset of the existence of vicious circle, we can learn the upper "Ceiling" of quality of life of the given patient. If his/her living conditions (Tempo of life) allow him/her not to exceed this "ceiling", it suggests that the given subject will not be in poor health under these conditions. If the tempo of life requires more than the capacity of his/her organism may provide, he/she will be in poor health. In order not to be ill he/she should stint himself/herself in some actions. To limit oneself in actions means to reduce one's living standard, to deprive oneself of the possibility to undertake certain actions which others can do or which he/she did earlier, but which are now inaccessible to the given patient on the grounds of restricted resources of his/her organism because of defects. If these restrictions have to do only with pleasure/delight, such as, for example, playing football, this may be somehow sustained. But if these restrictions have to do with conditions of life of the patient it has to be somehow taken into account. For example, if his/her apartment is located on the ground floor, then to provide for quite normal way of life his/her maximum consumption of О2 should be, eg, 1000 ml a minute. But what one should do if he/she lives, eg, on the third floor and in the house with no elevator, and to be able to get to the third floor on foot he/she should ...

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