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Реферат The manager as a teacher: selected aspects of stimulation of scientsfsc thinking

e Big Bang. Some kind of energy was spent once and somewhere for the creation of an atom, and this energy may be extracted therefrom somehow or other. Such brought-in internal energy is present in any object of our World and it is impossible to find any other object in it which would contain exclusively its own internal energy which was not brought in by anything or ever from the outside. Energy exchange occurs every time the systems interact. But passive systems do not spend their internal energy in the process of their performance because they "are not able" of doing it, they only use the energy of the external influence, whereas active systems can spend their internal energy. The passive system is the thorax which performs passive exhalation and many other systems of living organism.

Evolution of systems. Complex control block. For the most efficient achievement of the goal the system always should carry out its action in the optimum way and produce the result of action in the right place and time. The system's control block solves both problems: where and when it is necessary to actuate. In order to be able to operate at the right place it should have a notion of space and the corresponding sensors delivering information on the situation in the given space. In turn, the time of delivery of the result of action with simple systems includes two periods: the time spent for decision-making (from the moment of onset of external influence till the moment of SFU activation) and the time spent for the SFU actuation (from the moment of the beginning of SFU activation till the moment the result of action is achieved). The time spent for the decision-making depends on duration of cycles of the system's performance which issue was discussed above. The time spent for the SFU actuation depends on the SFU properties such as, for example, the speed of biochemical reactions in live cells or the speed of reduction of sarcomere in muscular cells which to a considerable degree depends on the speed of power consumption by these SFU and the speed of restoration of energy potential after these SFU have been actuated. These speeds are basically the characteristics inherent in SFU, but are also determined by service systems which serve these SFU. They may also be controlled by control block. Metabolic, hormonal, prostaglandin and vegetative neural regulation in living organism is intended just for this purpose, ie to change to some extent the speeds of biochemical reactions in tissue cells and conditions of delivery of energy resources by means of regulation of (service) respiratory and blood circulation systems. But the notion of "at the right time "means not only the time of actuation in response to the external influence. In many cases there is a need for the actuation to start before external influence is exerted. However, the system with simple control block starts to perform only after the onset of external influence. It is ...

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