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Реферат The manager as a teacher: selected aspects of stimulation of scientsfsc thinking

a very significant (catastrophic) drawback for living systems, because if the organism is being influenced upon, it may mean that it is already being eaten. It would be better if the system started to perform before the onset of this external influence. If the external situation is threatening by the onset of dangerous influence, the optimal actions of the system may protect it from such influence. For this purpose it is necessary to know the condition of external situation and to be able to see, estimate and know what actions need to be undertaken in certain cases. In other words, it is necessary to exercise control in order to forestall real result of action prior to external influence. In order to perform these actions it should contain special elements which can do it and which it does not have. Simple control block can exercise control only on the basis of mismatch (divergence/discrepancy) of real result of action with the preset one, because the system with simple control block cannot "know" anything about external situation until the moment this situation starts to influence upon the system. The knowledge of external situation is inaccessible to simple control block. Therefore, simple control block always starts to perform with delay. It may be sometimes too late to control. If the system (the living organism) does not know the external situation, it may not be able to make projection as to what the situation is and catch the victim or forestall encounter with a predator. Thus, simple control block cannot make decisions on the time and place of actuation. For this purpose control block needs a special analyzer which can determine and analyze external situation and depending on various external or internal conditions elaborate the decision on its actions. This analyzer should have a notion of time and space in which certain situation is deployed, as well as corresponding informants (sensors with communication lines between them and this special analyzer) which provide information on the external situation. The analyzer-informant has nothing of this kind. When the hunter shoots at a flying duck, it shoots not directly at the bird, but he shoots with anticipation as he knows that before the bullet reaches a duck it (the duck) will move forward. The hunter, being a system intended for shooting a duck, should see the entire situation at a distance, estimate it correctly, make the projection as to whether it makes sense to shoot, and he should act, i.e. shoot at a duck, only on the basis of such analysis. He cannot wait until the duck touches him (until his "X" is actuated) so that he then can shoot at it. In order to do so he should first single out a duck as the object he needs from other unnecessary objects, then measure a distance to a duck, even if it would be "by eye". He does it by means of special (visual) analyzer which is neither "X" nor "Y" sensor, but is an additional "C" sensor (additional special remote receptor...

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