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Реферат Kursovaya rabota po ekom

the structure of social needs were determined by central planners. However, since the detailing and anticipate the changing needs of society in a way fundamentally impossible, these bodies were primarily to meet the minimum requirements.distribution of material goods, labor and financial resources is carried out without the participation of the immediate producers so consumers. It took place in accordance with preselected as public objectives and criteria, based on central planning. A large proportion of resources in accordance with the then dominant ideological attitudes directed to development of the military-industrial complex.of the products between the parties of production strictly regulating the central authorities through universally applicable tariff system, as well as centrally approved means payroll. This led to the predominance of the one-size-fits-all approach to pay.of the system, its insensitivity to the achievements of STD and inability to go to the intensive type of economic development have made inevitable the root socio-economic transformations in almost all Socialist (Communist) countries. The strategy of economic reforms in these countries is determined by the laws of the development of world civilization, with greater or lesser speed there is a modern market economy.accordance with the dominant ideological lines to determine the amount and structure of products was considered to be too serious and responsible, that would be a decision by the direct producers-industrial enterprises, collective and State farms. Centralized distribution of material goods, labor and financial resources is carried out without the direct producers and consumers, in accordance with preselected as public objectives and criteria, based on central planning.large proportion of resources in line with the dominant ideological attitudes directed to development of the military-industrial complex. Distribution of the products between the parties governed the central organs production strictly according to the universally applicable tariff system, as well as centrally approved standards in payroll. This led to the predominance of the one-size-fits-all approach to wage a distinctive feature of the product distribution in the ACU was privileged party-state elite.

2.2 Estimation of the market system and its implementation by the countries of the world

market system is a way of organizing economic life in which capital and land are privately owned, and the allocation of resources, production, Exchange and consumption of goods and services carried out on the basis of supply and demand. The market economy is based on the principles of free enterprise and choice.system consists of the right to private property, private economic initiative, the market organization for resource allocation.exactly the benefits required by the society, is exercised by the markets, each of which bought and sold the benefits and resources of a certain type (there are land market, capital market, labor market, markets for goods and services that are directly consumed by humans) .market determines the level of success of a business initiative, generates the income that the property brings to their owners, dictates the ratio distribution of scarce resources among alternative areas for their use.well-being of everyone in the market system is determined by how well he can sell goods in the market owned by: its workforce, skills, own products, land, the ability to conduct business. The one who will offer customers the best product and on better terms, paves the way to increase their well-being.dignity of the market mechanism is that it forces each salesperson to think about for buyers, the seller was seeking their own benefit. But the buyer had to reckon with the interests of the seller, he can get the desired product, only paying for the prevailing market price. Analyzing the mechanism of market balancing the interests of buyers and sellers, an English scientist-Economist Adam Smith wrote in his famous book a study of the nature and causes of the wealth of Nations (1776): everyone thinks only of his own benefit, but the invisible hand that guides, as in many other areas, will result, he himself never dreamed of.the invisible hand of the market, to market-based economic system, to coordinate the activities of hundreds of millions of people from the time of Adam Smith, economists suggest the price mechanism. It is priced competitively in the market competition, is for all sellers and buyers the main source of information on the ratio of supply and demand., Based on competition, are the most effective methods known to humanity allocation of limited productive resources and their benefits. advantage is that only through the production of best qualities of goods or less costly products, you can win the competition. In the competition for scarce goods customerscost...

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