t at enterprise« Mayak »« and nuclear tests at Semipalatinsk ground and to the separate categories of citizens from a number veterans and invalids, and about the order of financing of the charges »and s separate positions of item 10 of the Order of financing of these charges confirmed by the specified Resolution of the Government of Republic Karelia. According to the sense of the disputed legal orders, invalids, having the right to social support as discount at the rate of 50 percents of cost of fuel and its delivery, provided by the federal law, had been forced, nevertheless, to get the fuel for the overall cost, whereupon to apply to the bodies of local self-government with the application about the compensation of the due sums, enclosed with the documents about payment of fuel and its delivery.not all invalids for providing their vital activities have real possibility to purchase fuel and pay his delivery within the limits of the set norms for an overall cost. The court has specified that the Government of Republic Karelia should provide such legal mechanism of granting of measures of social maintenance as the discount of 50 percent of the cost of fuel (the question was about firewood) and its delivery, which would allow the specified group of invalids to realize this privilege on the ground of the simplified legal procedures, providing time receipt of privilege in full.above mentioned republican Law No. 827-ЗРК and other republican statutory legal acts were adopted in development of the «long-suffering» Federal Law from Augusts 22, 2 004 No. 122-ФЗ. There has taken place the redistribution of powers on realization of measures of social maintenance from the federal center to the regions, the considerable part of which, including on establishment the concrete measures of such maintenance, has been transmitted to the subjects of the Russian Federation. In the report at the scientific conference «Social rights and activities of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation» taking place in June of the current year in St. Petersburg Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation VD Zorkin stated that the federal legislator, having transmitted part of powers in the sphere of social maintenance to the level of the subjects of the Russian Federation and municipal units, has not at the same time set their jurisdiction with sufficient definiteness, has not provided the principles of the new legal regulation and minimum standards guaranteed to the citizens regardless of residence. There has not been set the effective financial mechanism, providing realization of uniform state social policy and redistribution of facilities of budgets of all levels for the purpose of saving of the attained level of social maintenance. Moreover, there has appeared the danger of decline of the attained level of social maintenance for all categories of privileged persons, and especially for those categories of citizens whose social maintenance has been earlier realized at the federal level, and from January 1, 2005 is realized at the level of the subject of the Russian Federation or at the level of the municipal unit. So, for the veterans of labour and victims of political repressions there have been abolished all privileges or part of privileges which they have got earlier in natural form (exception is Moscow) .the whole the legislation regulating one of the major spheres of activity of the social state appeared to great extent contradictory, indistinct and blank. The arbitrary actions of the legislator in such an important and delicate sphere, as the sphere of social rights are inadmissible as are directly connected with safety and political stability in society.the Constitutional Court of Republic Karelia, considering the cases about the verification of constitutionality of laws and other statutory legal acts within the framework of their powers, creates guide lines for the republican legislator, promoting progressive advance, including the social legislation, in order not to admit arbitrary, groundless refusal from granting measures of social maintenance and at the same time to take into account economic and financial opportunities of the Republic, and thus, provides constitutional safety of the person, society, state.threat to the constitutional safety is also presented by the vagueness of legal norms that can be examined as the denial of equality of citizens. From the point of view of removal of the given uncertainty of the disputed norms or of their separate positions in the question, whether they correspond to the Constitution of Republic Karelia, the results of consideration of applications have the identical value both in the case of recognition of the legal orders corresponding to the Constitution of Republic Karelia and in the case of recognition them unconstitutional. In both cases the normative regulation and practice of law enforcement are sent to the constitutional legal di...