align="justify"> d) car, aeroplane, bus
. Population e) the moon, Mars, a space station
6. Communication f) phone, satellite, e-mail
7. Climate g) government, president, The White House
. Underline the adjective which does not go with the noun .
. Cities: cosmopolitan dangerous historic delicious busy
1. Weather: hot dirty dry wet cold
2. Beaches: clean dirty crowded empty modern
. Countryside: flat small quiet beautiful mountainous
5. Underline the word which is different.
1. Notebook diary pen
2. Laptop calculator bag
3. Bag briefcase watch
4. Laptop mobile phone pen
5. Camera wallet bag
6. Dictionary diary camera
6. Put the words in the right category.
1. Brother father aunt grandfather daughter children husband son wife sister parents mother uncle grandmother both women, father, Children, parents. Aunt, daughter, wife,, husband, sister, mother, grandmother., Uncle. p align="justify"> TEST 2
1.Underline the correct forms of the verbs:
1. My father go/goes for a walk.
2. I visit/visits my friends in the morning.
. My mother cook/cooks lunch.
. My father drink/drinks sake.
. We eat/eats a special fish dish.
. My brother usually watch/watches television.
. Our parents give/gives us money.
. I play/plays cards with my parents.
2. Complete the questions and answers:...