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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Граматика англійської мови

Реферат Граматика англійської мови

1.A: Do they study German at school?

B: No, they don t study German. They study English.

2.A: When does she listen to music?

B: In the evening. She doesn t listen to music in the morning.

3.A: Do you use the internet?

B: Yes, I do but I don t use the Internet to buy things.

4.A: Where do you met new people?

B: I don t meet new people in bars I meet them at work.

5.A: Does he have a bank account?

B: No, he doesn t have a bank account.

6.A: How do you contact friends?

B: I don t contact friends by e-mail. I use the phone.

3.Insert the missing words:

1. Do they book hotels on the Internet?

2. Did he do a German course with a private teacher?

. When do you usually speak to your friends?

. Did Marianna meet new friends at school?

. Where do you meet people?

. What do they buy on the Internet?

. Trevor doesn t buy music in a shop or on the Internet

. Do Sarah and Nicky study French?

4. Put the words in the correct order:

1. how often do you stay in?

2. do you sometimes get a takeaway?

3. no I never get takeaway.

4. I am always late

5. it is busy often?

. they usually meet friends on Sundays.

5. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses:

Sarah Jones and Judith Thomson, from England, grew up on the same street and became best friends. Judith was Sarah s bridesmaid in 1947. Then Sarah emigrated to the USA and they lost touch. Fifty-three years later, they bumped into each other while they were waiting in a queue at a petrol station in Nevada, USA. They immediately recognized each other, even though they hadn t seen each other for 50 years. While they were talking, they found out they had been living and working on the same street in the USA for seventeen year...

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