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Реферат Attractive mathematical induction

lower and about the erection of the Towers of Hanoi. While the task graphic interpretations or squared lines provide the possibility to view what is hidden behind each tinted square.aim of multimedia learning object is to provide learners with the possibility to understand and learn the method of mathematical induction in a user-friendly manner and speed . It is available for students and teachers in Latvia by attending the classes at Extramural Mathematics School of the University of Latvia. It can be used by

1) students learning the method of mathematical induction in accordance with the requirements of mathematics curriculum standards,

2) gifted students who study for mathematics competitions and olympiads,

) teachers wishing to present the nature and potential of the mathematical induction method in an attractive manner,

) anyone who wants to find out the link between the method of mathematical induction, growth and life processes.


Mathematical induction teaches students not only mathematics but also life - in order to develop we need to start with the minimum, take the first rung, the first step. The story of mathematical induction coincides with several verities of life, for example, the famous French author Antoine de Saint-Exupery said: "To be a man is to be aware, when setting one stone, that you are building a world." ; Students accept, understand and love things that are related to life and reality. Therefore it is important that students have practical work: use domino, build towers of Hanoi, make visual models of tasks, calculate statement values ​​in Excel spreadsheets for n = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ... and only then they can move to the general and complicated cases when n = k and n = k +1. of books have been written about the method of mathematical induction. The Internet is also rich in materials, for example, the search engine Google listed 1310000 results for the searched phrase "mathematical induction" on 18 April 2011. Whereas signs of interactivity were present only in two search results: 1) interactive test (# "justify"> nis And?? Ns and P? Teris Zari??, Professors at the University of Latvia and David S. Gunderson, Professor of Mathematics at the University of Manitoba have described in their books the possibility of using schemes to depict m ethods of mathematical induction. These schemes are easier understood by students if placed into interactive environment, for example, Excel spreadsheets or Multimedia learning object.work has been supported by the European Social Fund within the project "Support for Doctoral Studies at University of Latvia".


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