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Реферат The use of gender with zoonims in English and Uzbek

.2 The main approaches in investigating the category of gender

grammatical zoonim lexical

The study about the category of gender has an old tradition. Antique grammarians were interested in this question. For example, Varran Mark Terentsy, the Roman philosopher and grammarian, at an explanation of a grammatical gender at those or other nouns designating animals, started with their practical value for human life. He said that though behind any speech the natural thing disappears, however, if it does not reach practical application also words do not reach it; it is said equus В«ай? ІрВ» and equa В«СигирииВ» because their distinctions have practical value.

Caesar Shesno Djumarse (a XVIII-th century) in certain cases became on a position of an aggressive formalism. It completely denied communication of a gender of nouns with sexual distinctions. Triviality of a gender the scientist tried to confirm with absence of a morphological gender at English nouns, discrepancy of a gender in various languages, and also that in the French language two genders, and in Greek and Latin - three [Danilenko, 1990:179 ]. grammarian J. Херріс, engaged in research Indo-European languages, correlated forms of a gender of inanimate nouns to their real extralanguage maintenance. For example, he explained an accessory of a noun В«sunВ» to a masculine gender, and a noun В«moonВ» to female to that sun beams are stronger (man's quality), than at the moon, at which they more thin and soft ( female quality). thought that in an extreme antiquity people assimilated inanimate objects animated is quite comprehensible, but existence of grammatical gender in Indo-European languages ​​basically is connected with morphology, ie words shared on childbirth according to the terminations of these words [Danilenko, 1990:204]. modern foreign and domestic linguistics there is the extensive literature devoted to a problem of a category of gender in English language. Earlier various aspects of a problem of a grammatical gender such as communication between value of a noun and it comes [Lohmann, 1960], conformity of gender in respect of the maintenance and in respect of expression [Jakobson, 1932; Ельмслев, 1975], from the point of view of syntactic and contextual communications [Zaliznyak, 1964; Karpinsky, 1961], from the point of view of its origin and evolution, ie in diachronic aspect [Fodor, 1989], also the sex problem was studied synchronical [by Markus, 1984]. O. Espersen specified in discrepancy of language and В«naturalВ» categories. language and sex a lot of attention in its researches [Jespersen, 1943] is given to the theme.the limits of the given work to shine the maintenance of all works it is impossible, however nevertheless it is necessary to state short hypotheses of different researchers about an ori...

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