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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

thousand nine hundred ninety first.

7. Features of formation of the Canadian nation

- the country of immigrants therefore problems between various nationalities, old and new immigrants, descendants of Europeans and North American Indians, and also, of course, dissonance between French-and Anglo-are inherent in it speaking Canadians. In the ancient time Canada was populated with Indian and Eskimo tribes, come from Asia through the Bering Strait. In Canada over two honeycomb forty thousand Indians, mohawks, athabascans. The majority of Indians lives in reservations. On the Arctic coast about seventeen thousand Eskimos are settled. At the beginning of the twentieth century the main flow of immigrants arrived from Western Europe, but since recent time the number of immigrants natives from the countries of Asia, the Caribbean Basin and the USA began to increase. About thirty five percent of the population of Canada aren «t descendants of British or French. Among the most numerous ethnic groups there are Germans, Italians, Ukrainians, Danes, Scandinavians, North American Indians, Poles, Chinese, Jews, Africans, Hungarians, Greeks, Yugoslavs, Spaniards and Russians. In the Canadian system of secondary education training of children in culture of other people is provided. In it them train in an unostentatious form of games, discussions, movies and excursions that broadens horizons of children and helps to understand and communicate with representatives of other people better. Languages, except English and French, as a rule are studied in a house situation or in communication with contemporaries of the same nationality. Many ethnocultural groups, seeking to keep culture of the people far from the homeland, conduct various courses and excursions at which people study language and culture of the people. It is undoubted that the Canadian government appreciates as Canadians not in the first generation, so new immigrants as immigrants and constructed this country. Francophones and Anglophones deserve special attention of relationship between English-speaking and French-speaking Canadians who, having lived side by side not one century, didn »t merge in the uniform nation, though managed to remain under a roof of one government. Everyone some years in Quebec are held a referendum on which the question of office of the province from other Canada is brought up, but here already two times didn't suffice separatists only one percent for a dream embodiment in reality. There are some reasons of mutual hostility of francophones and Anglophones, but the main, for certain, incompatibility of cultures is.

. External migrations of the population

use of population shifts - a traditional way to increase the population, use of population shift allows to increase quantity of the qualified manpower and to expand the domestic market. In the twentieth century one thousand nine hundred thirteenth was immigration peak to Canada. Immigration fell down in the period of the Great Depression one thousand nine hundred thirtieth, but after World War II tens of thousands of homeless people from Europe were passed to the country, and in one thousand nine hundred seventieth to numerous refugees from Europe, Asia and Latin America were very glad in Canada. The Canadian immigration services didn't conduct a discrimination concerning ethn...

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