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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

oses, however especially talented and having the capital for investments into the Canadian economy was preferred. Within the twentieth century the natural increase, instead of immigration, played crucial role in growth of the Canadian population. By one thousand nine hundred sixtieth the number of the been born inhabitants in a year increased by twenty people, and the number of the dead fell from ten person. According to experts of the UN, Canada wins first place in the world on «quality of life», developing of material well-being, comfort of environment, availability of education, medical care. Not without reason here seek to move not only inhabitants of the poor countries, but it is frequent also elderly rich Americans.be the reasons of it are:

1. Canada has open border with the USA that provides additional opportunities for work, life and rest.

2. Unemployment in Canada doesn't exceed ten percent, inflation - two percent.

3. For maintenance of a high standard of living Canada seeks to provide itself with highly skilled workers. It is considered that by two thousand fifth forty percent of new workplaces of such personnel which has not less than sixteen years of education and training.

4. Canada has one of the highest standards of living. Canada makes a set in army only on a voluntary basis.

. Religion

: Catholics - forty six percent, Protestants - forty one percent, orthodox - two percent, Muslims - one percent, Jews - one percent. The combination of the facts of environment considerably defines types of moving of the person. No wonder that at high-altitude position of Canada and continentality of its climate the most part of the population concentrates in the most southern regions of the country.

. Placement and moving

of moving in Canada precisely coincide with the climatic zones lying to the South from extensive subarctic area and the tundra. Population of provinces of Albert. In Albert «s province lives two million Canadians, whose roots it isn» t so easy to track. About one one thousand eight hundred eightieth the province was occupied generally by aboriginals of North America, but after them settlers from the West European countries outnumbered. In one thousand eight hundred eighty first in the territory which became later Alberta, one thousand natives of Europe lived hardly. Ten years later their number exceeded seventeen thousand. During a wave immigration in one thousand nine hundred twentieth which was encouraged actively by the government of Canada, to the province there arrived immigrants from the European countries therefore in one thousand nine hundred twentieth in it lived nearly five hundred eighty five thousand people. After World War II the situation changed radically. Since the beginning of the sixtieth years of the twentieth century natives of the majority of the countries of the world settled in Albert, including Asia and the Caribbean islands. Today only forty four percent of inhabitants of Alberta-descendants of the British settlers, other large ethnic groups are Germans, Ukrainians, French, Scandinavians and Danes. According to census the population in one thousand nine hundred ninety first, about hundred fifty thousand inhabitants of the province were representatives of...

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