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Реферат Private sector and human-resource development in Georgia

g people (21-35 years old). In 2001 over 87 percent of all new AIDS cases have been detected in 26-35 age group.

The prevalence of TB has increased from 28.2 in 1991 to 85.8 in 2001, reflecting the spread of disease, but also better recording of incidence.

While Georgia has improved HIV recording and reporting, there is an urgent need to introduce prevention & education on a broad basis, as well as surveillance among high risk groups. The MDG target for HIV/AIDS is unlikely to be met

Political commitment and additional resources are required to keep the spread of TB under control. An upcoming PHC Development program is expected to further improve the effectiveness of control measures. If measures are appropriately implemented, it is possible to arrest and reverse the trend.

Goal 7: Ensure environmental sustainability. p> Target 9 : Integrate the principles of sustainable development into country policies and programs and reverse the loss of environmental resources.

Target 10 : Halve by 2015 the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water.

The National Environmental Action Plan and Biodiversity Strategy are a framework for environment and sustainable use of natural resources. The EDPRP highlights steps to mainstream environment into development, but implementation is limited. An environmental permitting system and other legislation are in place, but institutional weaknesses (unclear responsibilities, weak monitoring and enforcement, sometimes excessive and non-transparent regulations) limit enforcement. With regard the specific indicators, despite its unique ecosystems in Georgia 2.8% of the land area is protected to maintain biological diversity compared with the world average of 6.5%. Forest cover is 40% but the quality of management is inadequate. Energy intensity and carbon emissions indicators are not high, but there are severe problems with delivery of energy services to the population. p> In 1999, about 86% of urban population and 43% of rural population had access to piped water supply. Reliability and quality of services are serious problems. Water systems are largely in a state of severe disrepair. Low capacity of people to pay for the services together with limited government budgets represent real constraints to mobilize resources into the sector. Involvement of IFIs is critical to avoid total collapse of sector.

Political will and strong commitment as well as human and financial resources are needed to ensure environmental sustainability. If the governance environment and institutional capacity improve, and if resources for environment and natural resource management could be increased , it would be possible to meet target 9.

About US $ 8-10 million annually will be ...

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