ходу fa 'Steerage-way ~ хід, достатній для управління кермом fa "To back - дати задній хід fa" Hawser - перлінь, (сталевий) трос fa "Embankment - 1.дамба, насип 2. набережна fa "Bollard - причальна тумба fa" Warping drum - снувальний барабан fa "Head-rope/headline - носової швартов fa" Bow spring/backspringforward-носовий шпринг fa "breast line - притискної швартов fa" Stern rope/sternline - кормовий швартов fa " ; Stern spring/backspring aft - кормовий шпринг fa "To secure - кріпити, закріплювати" To heave (heaved, hove) тягнути, вибирати, підтягувати fa "Taut - тугий, натягнутий (про канаті) fa" Slack - слабкий, що має слабину ( про канаті) fa "To veer in - вибирати (кінець мотузки) fa" To veer out - труїти, витравлювати fa "Quay-набережна, стінка fa" To moor - швартуватися "To make fast alongside - швартуватися лагом" To make fast stern to - швартуватися кормою
fa-To get moored "^
fa "To get berthed I ошвартованих
fa-To get tied up "To work the ship into her berth - *" To bring the ship alongside the quay-поставити судно до причалу "To make the starboard (port) landing - ошвартованих правим (лівим) бортом "To get alongside starboard (port) side to - швартуватися правим (лівим бортом" To run out a line it is advisable - подати (витравити) кінець рекомендується
^ Те swing the bow to starboard (port) ~ розгорнути носом праворуч (ліворуч), увалівать
Р ^ Те sheer the stern from the quay, to double up fore and aft - відвести (В«відбитиВ») корму від причалу, завести дугошні з носа і корми
Exercise l.Read the text and be ready to answer the questionsmake fast to a wharf either alongside or stern to. When approaching a berth, ships must proceed at slow speed. On deck, heaving lines and mooring ropes, as well as fenders, should be ready for use. The anchors must be ready to let go. At an appropriate distance from the berth the engine is stopped and the ship's headway is used to bring her alongside the wharf. This headway should be just enough to keep the ship moving ahead without losing steerage-way. If a ship has too much headway it should be stopped by backing the ship with the engine or by letting the anchor go. When the vessel approaches her designated berth at minimum steerage-way, the approach to the quay is made at the smallest possible angle. With a heaving line the hawser is pulled from the vessel onto the embankment by line-handlers. The spring is fastened to a bollard ^ and while the engine is on half astern, the warping drum picks up the slack (that is: pulls the line tight). To prevent the line from being fouled, the hawser or spring is led through a fairlead. The ship is then manoeuvred along the embankment and fastened to bollards.ship is made fast to the quayside by mooring lines. They consist of a headline, a breast line and a back spring forward, a stern line, a breast line and a back spring aft. Any of these lines may be doubled. Each line has a large eye spliced ​​in the end. The eye is placed over a bollard on the quayside. If there is another line already on the bollard, the eye of the second line should be taken up through the eye of the first line before placing it over the bollard. This makes it possible for either line to be let go first.the ship is secured in her berth, rat-guards should be placed on all the lines. For permanent moorings wire ropes are preferred to ordinary fibre ropesthe mooring lines should be constantly watched, as the change of weather or rise and fall of tide can make the lines too taut or too slack and this will necessitate veering them in or out from time to time. Nowadays there are automatic winches used for this purpose. In stormy weather the ships secured in their berths usually have to double up fore and aft.berthing operations seamen must work with great caution. Carelessness may cause serious injuries.2. Answer the following questions
What are the necessary preparations before berthing the ship?
What power is used to bring the vessel to her berthing place? What can be the engines used for?
What is the usual procedure for mooring the ship? What lines are used for it?
What is the way of placing the mooring rope over a bollard?
What necessary arrangements must be done after the ship is made fast?
Exercise 3. Fill in the blanks, using the given words
veer out fairlead mooring ropes embankment fasten
make fast