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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Professional sea English language

Реферат Professional sea English language

="justify"> steerage way rat guards

Your ship may to a wharf № 4. A heaving line and a hawser are pulled from the vessel onto the

by line handlers.

The springs are to bollards. A ship is made fast to the quayside by the . If the lines are too taut or too slack you must them . To prevent the line from being fouled it must be led through the . After the ship is in its berth, you must place on all the lines. The vessel must approach to her berth at minimum .

Exercise 4. Correct the mistakes

All the mooring ropes should be constantly watched as the change of weather or rise and fall of tide can make the anchor chain too taut or too slack and this will necessitate fastening it to the bollard. At an appropriate distance from the berth the engine is stopped and the ship's steerageway is used to bring her alongside the tug. When the ship is in her berth there must be lookouts watching all the lines. If a ship has too much headway it should be stopped with the help of two tugboats towing her in the opposite direction, or by pulling the heaving line to the embankment. In stormy weather helicopters secured in their berths usually have to double up anchor chain. A single buoy mooring is a stone-built structure at which vessels can lie alongside, usually with public access, usually approached through a lock, maintaining the water at constant level A wharf means a single column of wood, steel or concrete to take ships 'lines.

Exercise 5. Read the passage and learn the definitionsberth may be at:

. A single buoy mooring (SBM) - a single buoy carrying pipe-lines for tankers. It is usually situated at the distance of 20 miles from shore and more. ol> Dolphins - single columns of wood, steel or concrete to take ships 'lines. Can be used together with A T-jetty or Pier A Dock - an enclosed area of ​​water, usually approached through a lock, maintaining the water at constant level A Quay - a stone-built structure at which vessels can lie alongside, usually with public access. It may be in a dock or it can be a river berth. A Wharf-a stone or similar structure at which vessels can lie alongside, Usually in enclosed dock, with warehouse facilities.

Exercise 6. Translate the extracts from the pilot book

The wharves and piers on the Philadelphia side of the Delaware River are numbered consecutively. From the foot of Market Street, about a quarter of a mile below the suspension bridge, northward of Fort Richmond. The wharves at Port Richmond are numbered independently. Those on the western side of the river including Petty Island, and the eastern side opposite Philadelphia, have depths up to 38 feet, those in the Schuylkill River, up to 30 feet. There are several municipal piers which are equipped with modern appliances for working cargo; these and a large proportion of the other wharves and piers are connected to the railway. The wharves on the Camden side are numbered consecutively from Pavonia, on the eastern side of the entrance to Cooper River, southward to Newton Creek, with the exception of the railway wharves, which are numbered independently. There are municipal wharves on this side with depths up to 30 feet alongside, All the wharves and jetties are connected to the general railway system. West quay is equipped with cranes of from 3 to 5 tons lifting capacity; in addition, there is a 10-ton crane on No. 3 wharf, a 15-ton crane on No. 6 quay, and a 20-ton crane on West quay. A few lighters are available. Tug berth, on the southern side of the turning basin, is 95 feet (29...

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