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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Іноземна мова. Сфера сервісу (англійська мова)

Реферат Іноземна мова. Сфера сервісу (англійська мова)

es, charges, taxes or licenses in the United States for owning radio and television receivers or for receiving anything that is broadcast through the air. Laws prohibit any state or the federal government from owning or operating radio and television stations. (Stations such as the Voice of America may only broadcast overseas). Commercial radio stations follow a distinctive "format", that is a type of programming that appeals to a certain listening audience (some stations have more than one format). To change from one format to another, stations need permission from the FCC.television production is in the hands of the Big Three: the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), the National Broadcasting Company (NBC) and the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). These recently have been joined by a forth: The Fox Broadcasting Company (FBC) commonly referred to as Fox (often stylized FOX) and owned by Rupert Murdoch. There is also non-commercial television, the Public Broadcasting System (PBS), which is financed by grants from companies and individuals. It offers quality drama programs, children's programs, and national and international news programs.majority of commercial television stations receive most of their programming, roughly 70 percent, from the three commercial networks: ABC, CBS and NBC. These networks are not television stations or channels. They sell programs and news to individual television stations which choose those they want to broadcast. These affiliated stations also create some of their own programming; produce their own state and local news programs and purchase films from other sources.press in the UKof national newspapers in Britain is high and the country has probably a larger number of mass circulation newspapers - both quality and popular titles - than any other in the world. The press is privately owned and foreign proprietors are not disadvantaged. It is a matter of debate how influential newspapers are. Mostly they claim to have minimal political effect, though at least one popular newspaper did claim to have won a previous election for the party it supported at the time. It is probably true to say that most readers tend to buy newspapers sympathetic to their own views, so their political influence may be quite small. Still, the press does offer a wide variety of political views and information for those who wish to seek it out. It is also probably true to say that newspapers like to reflect the public mood as well as influencing it.and Radio in the UKthe nineteenth century Prime Minister Gladstone used to tour the country, addressing mass meetings for many hours at a time, but he only succeeded in reaching a small proportion of those who can now be reached daily from a television studio. Britain has a broad range of privately owned and publicly owned (though not government managed) broadcasting media. The broadcasting companies are required to offer impartial news treatment and balance in overall political reporting. Skilled journalists attempt to probe major political figures in depth. Politicians are keen to use these opportunities as a shop-window for themselves and their polices. The Independent Television Commission (ITC) is the organization which is responsible for controlling the operation of private television companies in the UK.and expressionsбеспрістрастний, справедливыйдочернийприемreflect - відображати-власник, власник

to succeed in-досягати мети, процвітати

influence - вплив-трактування, подход1. Answer the following questions. p align="justify">. Give the definitions of print media, electronic media and multimedia? p align="justify">. What are the main types of the US newspapers? p align="justify">. Explain the expression "to use these opportunities as a shop-window"

. What are the letters ITC stand for? 2. Decipher the following abbreviations. p align="justify"> ABC, NBC, CBS, FCC, FOX (FBC) PBS.3. Read the text about multimedia businesses. Make notes about the person, the services and the company. p align="justify"> Machine Dreams

"Do something you're not ready to do", says Mayer. In the worst case you'll learn your limitations ". p align="justify"> Marissa Mayer is the world's most poised and powerful information guru. Marissa Mayer, the 34-year-old megamillionaire, Oscar de la Renta-obsessed, computer-programming Google executive who lives in a penthouse atop the Four Seasons, San Francisco. Virtually, Mayer is an agglomeration of podcasts, red-carpet images, and text snippets about the physics of data, the future of news, and atomic units of consumption.actuality, Mayer is just as resistant to the kinds of unitary categories that the regular three-dimensional world insists on. It s not only that she demolishes old-fashioned oppositions of beauty and brains, or women and science, or chic and geek. ...

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