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Реферат Ballad: origin and development

). In 1817 in Vienna it was found and then it is published medieval mythologically - the fantastic epos Kudruna raquo ;, in 1 837 in Paris The song about Roland raquo ;, been a source of numerous literary ballads in the different countries was for the first time published. In a year of death of Byron (1824) who was actively participating in fight for freedom of Greece in France there were National songs of Greece raquo ;. For ten years the Serbo-Croatian songs of Vuk Karadzic with delight met by poets and specialists in folklore of all Europe were published earlier. In Finland at the end of the XVIII century begins record of separate runes of the Kalevala which gained then the world fame in E. Lyonrot s processing. In Russia the Collection of different songs (p.1 - 4, 1770- +1774) MD Chulkova containing along with literary texts and originally national including ballad songs testified to serious interest in folklore. In 1804 in Moscow Ancient Russian poems were published. This collection better known according to the name of the second edition The Ancient Russian Poems Collected by Kirsheyu Danilov raquo ;, showed really inexhaustible richness of the Russian songs: epic and mythological and historical, love, satirical, comic. This wealth was noticed also by Karamzin writing History of the state Russian raquo ;, and Zhukovsky which not only excellent translated Tale of Igor s Campaign laquo ;, but also constantly worked itself on creation of the national Russian epos, and Pushkin who was atten tively reading this collection and many other Russian poets, writers, scientists: from AX Vostokov and V. K. K? Che lbecker to I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy and M. Gorky. VG Belinsky wrote about the Collection Danilov s Kirsches raquo ;: It is the book a precious, true treasury of the greatest richness of national poetry which has to be shortly familiar to any Russian person if the poetry isn t alien to his soul and if all related to the Russian spirit forces to fight his heart more strongly .all enormous flow of publications of ancient texts of the epic and balladno-song contents (here we were limited only to separate examples) ballads took nearly at once a special place, having played in many European literatures a role of a peculiar catalyst in searches of new expressive opportunities of the poetic diction. Though initial impulses in this direction came from Spain and England, the first European significant results in creation and judgment of the genre of the literary ballad were reached in Germany. The huge role here already in the period of A storm and an impact was played by IG Herder, IV Goethe and GA Byurger.Gottfried Herder (1744 - 1803) who began under the influence of McPherson and Percy to translate from the end of the 1760th years at first the Scottish and Scandinavian ballads, and then and songs of other people, handled an appeal to collect and write down as well the German national songs. The first the young Goethe who wrote down in the summer of 1771 in Alsace 12 folk songs together with melodies responded to this appeal. Thus he carefully considered structure of the small meeting lying at the sources of modern folklore studies in Germany. To Goethe, all life, like Herder who was engaged in studying, collecting and transfer of song creativity of various people, the early address to folklore allowed to avoid pretentious style of poetry of rococo and already in the cycle Zezengeymsky Songs at the beginning of the 1770th years to create original poetic masterpieces. From all folklore genres of Goethe with special attention I treated the ballad, calling it that a live germ laquo ;, prasemeny all poetry, an art prototype, its primary national form. In тисячі вісімсот двадцять одна, already having an extensive experience of own ballad creativity behind shoulders, Goethe generalized the thoughts about this unique genre in special article about the ballad. He saw specifics of irresistible art influence of the ballad in connection of epos elements in it, dramas and lyric poets. In early ballads of Goethe ( Fisherman laquo ;, The forest tsar laquo ;, the Fulsky king ) synthesis of lyrical and drama elements, in late ballads ( The Corinthian bride prevails, God and a bayader laquo ;, Ballad ) a lyrical element is considerably forced out by the epic.development of the theory of the ballad IG Herder s supervision in the 1770th years connected with his work on the collection National Songs have enduring value. Don t lose the value for modern folklore studies and Herder's idea about importance for a national song of tune laquo ;, harmony laquo ;. A being of a song - in a tune, but not in a picture - Herder in 1 779 wrote - its perfection is defined by the melodic movement of passion or feeling which it would be possible to designate the choice ancient word a harmony. If the song is deprived it if it doesn t possess the tonality, poe...

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