a victory of Turks over Serbians on Kosovo a field (+1389) motives of fight against overseas aggressors began to take an important place.XVII and in the first half of the XVIII century interest in ballads in the literate of the population dies away a little. Villages and city suburbs where a peculiar genre of a ballad viewing city street song which in Germany was called бенкельзанг gradually develops become keepers of songs of ballad type; performance of similar songs usually was followed by music (a harmonica, a street organ) and display of the flying leaves printed in printing house - texts with the pictures illustrating the executed plot - which right there at the similar price were on sale everyone. In the city street ballad both ancient and medieval plots were in own way processed. But in it there was a new operational genre which received the name newspaper song raquo ;, newspaper ballad raquo ;. Street singers, using popular forms and motives of a folk song, told about events in the world to listeners who often and weren t able to read. Street city ballads are very numerous, different genre and are very various on the art advantages. On a thematic sign from them, perhaps, especially it is worth allocating extensive group of songs about terrible murders, about kind and angry robbers; the important group in this type of ballads was made by songs responses on the current historical events - in Germany, for example, it is songs of an era of Great peasant war and Thirty years war, in Russia - songs about Stenke Razin and Yemelyan Pugachev, and also about Ivan the Terrible. Among all these numerous songs the texts very close to ballads meet. Flying leaves with texts of ballad character were printed in the XVI-XVII centuries in Germany approximately on 100000 copies annually. Founders and performers of flying leaves raquo ;, as a rule, preferred to an ancient folk song more topical plots and looked for for them the form capable to satisfy to tastes of diverse exhibition crowd. But at the same time traditions of benkelzang didn t die, and in the XX century this genre as if would revive in sharp social ballads and zongakh Frank Vedekind, Bertolt Brecht, Curt Tukholsky and Erich Weinert.public interest in the national song, and, perhaps, first of all to the ballad, a little decayed as it was already told, in the XVII century, started over again to wake up at educated public in the second half of the XVIII century against the wakening interest in history, in the national past, to russoistsk to treated nature raquo ;. The first success fell to lot of the ingenious fakes of the ancient Celtic epos James McPherson published in 1760 - 1773 and which gained the world fame under the name of Ossian s Poems laquo ;. According to the latest researches, many episodes of Ossian s Poems - That other, as free transposition of the ancient Scottish ballads at different times heard and which are written down by McPherson. Ossian s poems were met with huge enthusiasm first of all in Germany where until the end of the XVIII century four of their are published the full translation and 34 partial; Ossian carried away Herder, Goethe, Lenz, the Burgher and some other writers. With big delight slightly they were accepted later and in Russia where there were their full and partial translations, and also many works in imitation Ossian s Poems or for their motives were created. Against so impressive success of McPherson (and not only in Germany and Russia) a little the remarkable work of the bishop Percy of A relic of ancient English poetry (1 765) containing many original Scottish ballads remained in the shadow. It was followed also by other collections of ballads from which it is important to mention The Minstrelsies of Scottish Border (1802 - 1803) which are written down and published by young Walter Scott here.new civil consciousness which arose during the Education era in the second half of the XVIII century included also understanding of identity of a historical way, language, culture, ethnographic signs of each people. In libraries, in monasteries - ancient manuscripts, until then unknown, nobody read were found everywhere. In тисячу сімсот п'ятьдесят сім Swiss I. Ya. Bodmer found the manuscript Song about nibelungs raquo ;, become in the XIX century a perennial spring of plots for playwrights and poets (F. Hebbel, R. Wagner etc.). In Germany Herder acts as the passionate propagandist of national poetry and in 1778 - 1779 publishes the collection National Songs which included the German, English, Spanish, Greek, Scottish, Scandinavian, Lithuanian, Estonian songs - the edition keeping enduring value up to our days: not incidentally later the collection received other name - Voices of the people in songs .Herder Clemence Brentano s romantics and Akhim von Arnim collect and publish the German national songs Magic Horn of the Boy (t. 1-3, 1805-1808...