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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Курсовые проекты » Фразеологізми, що містять назви предметів одягу та взуття

Реферат Фразеологізми, що містять назви предметів одягу та взуття


Приклад: I suppose I ll have to retire one day, but that sa long way off. I'd much rather die in my boots on. (Gr. Greene)

3) To have one s heart in one s boots - злякатися, отрусити; серце впало, душа в п'яти пішла.

Приклад: Remembering the circumstances under which we had parted, my heart came into my boots as I recognized Alex Duthil. (A. J. Cronin)

) I (або I'll) bet my boots - тримаю парі, будьте впевнена, можу вас запевнити; як пити дати.

Приклад: When one of the first remarks of a new patient is: Now, I don t want to be any trouble, 'you can bet your boots they are going to be more trouble than anyone else in the ward. (M. Dickens)

) To lick smb. s boots - «лизати п'яти кому-небудь», підлабузнюватися.

Приклад: You disliked me from the first moment I came here. You ve done everything you could to make the place impossible for me because I wouldn t lick your boots for you. (W. S. Maugham)

) Seven-league boots - семимильні чоботи, чоботи-скороходи.

Приклад: Now, when a man comes at me making a face like that, I have but one impulse in my soul - that is, to jump into a pair of seven-league boots, and turn and skedaddle as hard as I know how to the other side of the world. (U. Sinclair)

) (as) tough as an old boot (або as old boots) - a) жорсткий як підошва (про страву).

Приклад: I wish I'd asked for chicken salad. This steak is as tough as an old boot. ) Витривалий; загартований.

Приклад: Dave is not a nervous wreck, but as tough as an old boot (J. Murdoch).

. Фразеологізми, що містять лексему heels :

1) To dig (або stick) in one s heels - дати рішучу відсіч; упертися.

Приклад: When the parents told the headmaster they had decided to send their daughter to another school and demanded a refund of the fees, he dug in his heels and refused point blank.

) To be down at (the) heels - бідно, жебрацькому або неохайно одягнений.

Приклад: Some three or four years later I began to use for cleaning purposes a sometimes drunken and always impoverished and down at heels ... village character - Johnny Morton by name. (Th. Dreiser)

3) Head over heels - a) догори ногами, догори дригом; стрімголов, шкереберть.

Приклад: Then he started to run, tripped over an unseen obstacle, and came head over heels into a sitting position. (HG Wells)) (in debt, love, work, etc.) - по вуха (в боргу, закоханий), з головою пішов (у paбoту).

Приклад: We're head over heels in debt already and we can barely scrape up enough every month to pay the rent and the grocery bill. (W. Saroyan)

4) To cool (або kick) one s heels - чекати, чекати, нудитися в очікуванні.

Приклад: Can t cool my heels here forever, 'thought Soames, and moved to the window (J. Galsworthy)

Цей вираз має еквівалент в російській мові «чекати біля моря погоди».

5) To not know if (або whether) one is on one s head or one s heels - розгубитися; не знати, що зробити чи сказати.

Приклад: He can wangle figures until the best chartered accountant in the country would not know if he was on his head or his heels. (A. Christie)

6) To show (smb.) a clean pair of heels (також to take to one's heels) - тільки п'яти заблищали, втекти, втекти, бігти без оглядки.

Приклад: It was evident that Captain Butler feared the worst, for he crowded on all canvas and it seemed for a time, that he would show the strange ship a clean pair of heels. (Gr. Greene)

. Фразеологізми, що містять лексему shoe :

1) To shake in one s shoes - тремтіти, труситися від страху.

Приклад: Putting by every year, at compound interest, he had doubled his capital in forty years without having once known what it was like to shake in his shoes over money matters. (J. Galsworthy)

) To step into smb. s shoes - замінити кого-небудь, зайняти чиєсь місце.

Приклад: Old Gradman's on his last legs and this young man can step into his shoes. (J. Galsworthy)

3) The shoe is on the other foot - a) відповідальність лежить на іншому.

Приклад: Inspector Queen has not been able to discover our man-about-town s source of income. A gigolo? Gigolos do not pay for ladies apartments...

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