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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Контрольные работы » Граматика англійської мови

Реферат Граматика англійської мови

s, but had never seen each other.

6. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:

1. I was in Brazil last summer. It was wonderful. p align="justify"> 2. This evening, I m having dinner in a small, local restaurant.

3. I always eat good food. p align="justify"> 4. In my life, I have traveled many times. p align="justify"> 5. I meet people every day through my work. p align="justify"> 6. I started studying English when I was at school. p align="justify"> 7. I met him when I lived in Asia. p align="justify"> 8. This weekend I will go to an art exhibition. p align="justify"> 7. Rephrase the sentences using the obligation verbs:

1. It s not necessary to wear uniforms at school.don t have to wear uniforms at school.

2. If you want to help your mother, it sa good idea to wash the dishes.

You can help your mother by washing the dishes.

3. There is no need for her to worry about us. We ll be fine.

She doesn t have to worry about us.

4. It wouldn t be a good idea to take the car without asking him first

You can t take his car with out having his permission.

5. My mother is always telling me not to eat so mush junk food. p align="justify"> I m not allowed to eat junk food.

6. Don t speak to any strangers in the street.

You mustn t speak to any strangers in the street.

Final grammar test.

1. I am single.) Is b) are c) am

. We are interested in sport. ) Are b) is c) am

. He is Brazilian. ) Am b) is c) are

. We have got two batter ies . )-Ies b)-es c)-s

. I have got two watch es . ) Ies b)-es c)-s

. Are they from Argentina? ) Do b) does c) are

. Is she French? ) Are b) is c) does

. John and Sue are our

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