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Реферат Games activity at the foreign language lesson as one of the basic ways of learning English at primary school

acks. Every students (except the shooters) must find their own words. The lexical area for example, "Four Legged Animals". Give the students 1-2 minutes to find as many possible words as they can and memorize them.the game by calling a ship's name, for example the ship name is "THE CALIFORNIAN". The captain of THE CALIFORNIAN must reply with a word from the lexical area given, for example he says "TIGER" followed by his crews behind him one by one, "COW"; "SHEEP" until it is the shooter turns and he calls out the name of another ship and the captain of the ship called must reply and his crews must do the same thing. No word can be repeated.the captain is late to reply (more than 2 seconds) or his crew can not say the words or a word repeated or the shooter shoots the wrong ship (his own ship or the ship that has already been sunk) the ship is sunk, and the crew members can join the crew of another ship.teacher can change the lexical area for the next round.the last round there will be two big groups battling to be the winner.

Grammar games are designed to provide students practical skills to apply knowledge of grammar, increase their mental activities to the use of grammatical structures in natural communication situations.

Tell Me Everything You Know

Here are the basics:

. Write a sentence on the board and set a time limit.

2. Students write down everything that they can about the grammar of the sentence.

3. When the time is up, students individually share their observations. If anyone else in the room has the same observation, they must cross if off of their list. If they are the only ones who have made that particular observation, they get a point.

4. Whoever has the most points wins.

Stylistic games aim to teach students to distinguish between formal and informal styles of communication, as well as the right to use each of them in different situations.

Verbal games teach the ability to use language resources in the process of committing an act of speech, and repelled from the specific situation in which speech acts are carried out.

Proper Noun Exercise Verbally, give as as many proper names of the nouns as you can think of for those listed below. Do this as quickly as you can!


boys = Douglas, Edward, John, Peter, Andrew, Alexander, Joshua, Caleb

girls heroes...

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