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Реферат Contrastive analysis of compound adjectives in English and Ukrainian

vance to translators. At a practical level, it is probably most useful in pointing our areas where direct translation of a term or phrase will not convey accurately in the second language the intended meaning of the first. At a global level, it leads the translator to look on broader issues such as whether the structure of the discourse for a given text-type is the same in both languages., Although CA is widely practiced, there are a number of theoretical and practical problems in its application, all of which must affect judgments as to its usefulness in preparing or evaluating translations. There is some overlap between these problems, but they can nevertheless be related to specific difficulties to identifying a common ground for comparison, comparing descriptions of different languages, taking account of psycholinguistic and sociocultural factors, and taking account of extratextual and intertextual factors.

2. Ways of word formation

Word formation addresses the processes for creating new words in a language . This does not mean, however, that the study of word formation only addresses how words are created that express concepts new to us current speakers of the language. It also does not mean that we cognitively В«formВ» these new words every time we use them. Instead it investigates past and present means for creating words in languages; that is, some of these means may not be in use any longer. For example, the - ly in friendly or ghostly is no longer used to create new adjectives. But understanding the way in which the word was formed anew at one point in the past helps us see the relationship with other words. For example, in the word ghostly we can see that it was originally derived from the stem ghost and the ending - ly. Other means are still used frequently in English, such as the ending - ness discussed in the book. By the way, it is also helpful to know that rules such as the - ness rule for creating new words are called productive because we can produce new linguistic forms with them.very common way to form words is affixation. Affixation means that a bound morpheme is attached to a free morpheme, or stem. There are three places where the bound morpheme can go: before, after, or in the middle of the stem. The affixes that go before the stem are called prefixes (from Latin pre-= before). The ones that go after the stem are referred to as suffixes (from Latin sub-= under). And the affixes that go in the middle are labeled infixes. Examples for pre - and suffixes are plentiful in English. The book gives you several, such as

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