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Реферат Racism and prejudice and their role in cross-cultural communication

eople is just and fair due to their genetic differences. Racism can occur amongst any group that can be identified based upon physical features or even characteristics of their culture. Though people may be lumped together and called a specific race, everyone does not fit neatly into such categories, making it hard to define and describe a race accurately.racism began to flourish in the eighteenth century and was greatly influenced by Charles Darwin s evolutionary studies, as well as ideas taken from the writings of philosophers like Aristotle; for example, Aristotle believed in the concept of "natural slaves". This concept focuses on the necessity of hierarchies and how some people are bound to be on the bottom of the pyramid. Though racism has been a prominent topic in history, there is still debate over whether race actually exists, making the discussion of race a controversial topic. Even though the concept of race is still being debated, the effects of racism are apparent. Racism and other forms of prejudice can affect a person s behavior, thoughts and feelings, and social psychologists strive to study exactly that.is based on the belief that one's culture is superior to that of others, and this racial superiority provides justification for discrimination. Racism begins with categorizing by race, and therefore stereotyping particular cultures. A simple definition of prejudice given by St Thomas Aquinas states prejudice as "thinking ill of others without sufficient cause". Racism is a major issue in today's society, affecting a large number of the world's population and causing political and social turmoil. To evaluate the true meaning, effects and views concerning racism in today's world, a number of literature sources were researched including novel, films, short stories, poetry, song lyrics, textbooks and magazine articles.to "Declaration on race and racial prejudice" accepted 27 October 1978 by UNESCO s General Conference racism includes racial ideology, settings, based on racial prejudice, discrimination, activities provoking racial inequality, including an idea that discrimination can be justified from both moral and scientific points of view. It is also underlined that every racist theory is insolvent and goes in contradictory with human moral and ethnic principles. Racism separates nations, sets obstacles for international collaboration and aggravates political tension between nations; it contradicts with basic principles of the international rights, create a serious threat for the international peace and security. Racist theories are implemented in any sphere of social life: economic, politic and cultural.differentiate four main types of racism:

. Historical racism based on lineage and common decent; it identifies a population with a common origin in history, but not a population wit...

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