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Реферат Racism and prejudice and their role in cross-cultural communication

h a fixed biological character; used to define nation states in Europe; expressed through national symbols, such as Nazi eagle, Aryan cross ; believed in superiority of some nations over others.

. Scientific racism believes we can all be characterized by race with certain physical traits, such as brain size, sloping forehead; there is a hierarchy of races; biology determines intelligence; some races need to civilize others providing a justification for colonialism. p align="justify">. Institutional racism includes those activities which are intended to protect the advantages of a dominant group and/or maintain or widen the unequal position of a subordinate group; certain structures in society that systematically discriminate against certain groups, such as apartheid in South Africa, Jim Crow laws in southern US

. New Racism means no longer any biological notion to indicate cultural or other inferiorities; not necessarily an assumption of inferiority or superiority; new expressions, such as immigrants, integration, cultural values, hide the racist sub-text in our culture.Internet-journal " ; Danny s Corner "says that there are five types of racism exist:

. Aware/Blatant Racism: Outright racists that, without apology or confusion, tell people of color, that because of their color, they "don t appeal to them."

. Aware/Covert Racism: When racists are being racist but just not saying it. For instance, upon seeing that a potential tenant is Indian, rather than saying it directly, a landlord will pull the apartment "off the market" without providing an explanation. p align="justify">. Unaware/Unintentional Racism: "With the best of intentions, the best of educations, and the greatest generosity of heart, whites, operating on the misinformation fed to them from day one, will behave in ways that are racist, will perpetuate racism by being nice the way we re taught to be nice. "

. Unaware/Self-Righteous Racism: "The good white racist attempts to shame Blacks into being blacker, scorns Japanese-Americans who don t speak Japanese, and knows more about the Chicano (a community than the folks who make up the community). "

. Internalized Racism: stereotypes and attitudes of the white hegemonic system are internalized by members of oppressed groups and peoples and taken for truth or inform the ways they think about themselves and others from similar backgrounds or cultures.

4. Stereotypes in the intercultural communication

to specialists stereotypes constitute about two thirds of our behavior. There suc...

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