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Реферат Судноводіння на рівні управління

ate in summer, blowing during the day and ceasing after sunset. From September to January, strong winds and gales from the N through E to S are prevalent, causing heavy seas at the harbor entrance and sending a swell into the outer basin.

.36 In winter, winds from between the NE and SE are accompanied by rain, and if strong, send in a heavy sea. Gales from the S, though not frequent, cause much damage in the roadstead and harbor; but both are somewhat sheltered, should the wind be WSW. During the winter, the wind is likely to change its direction very suddenly. This causes a cross swell and is very dangerous for small craft.Currents

.36 Strong SE winds cause variable currents in the harbor entrance. During good summer weather, variable currents, which affect maneuvering and cause variations of the water level, may be experienced within the harbor.

.36 Onshore winds may increase the water level by 0.9m; offshore winds decrease it by 0.3m.Limitations

.36 Dique del Este, the outer breakwater, extends 2.5 miles SSW from abreast the city.

.36 Approaching from the SW, Montana de Monserrat, with its bare conical peaks, forms an unmistakable distant landmark.range rises 24 miles NW of the mouth of the RioCabo de Palos to Cabo Cerbere. Pico de San Jeronimo, 1,235 m high, is the highest peak and has a prominent monastery situated on its E slope.

.36 Approaching from the E, Sierra del Montseny, standing 30 miles NNE of the mouth of the Rio Llobregat, forms a conspicuous landmark. The E rocky summit of this range attains a height of 1,707 m and is covered with snow almost the whole year.

.36 Castillo de Montjuich, situated 2.7 miles NNE of the mouth of the Rio Llobregat, stands on the summit of a hill, 207m high. The seaward side of this hill is faced with reddish cliffs.light is shown from a structure, 13m high, standing on the SE side of the hill, close S of the castle. It is obscured N of a bearing of 240 °.

.36 Tibidabo, 519m high, is the highest peak of a mountain range which rises 3 miles NW of the city. A temple, with a large statue, a tall tower, and a television antennae stand on the summit of this peak. A hotel and the semi-spherical dome of an astronomical observatory are situated on its S slope.

.36 Two conspicuous framework masts, 115m and 80m high, stand, respectively on Muelle de Barcelona and Muelle de Nuevo.

.36 The high ground behind Castillo de Montjuich gives a good radar return, but the breakwater lights tend to get lost in the city lights, and by day are difficult to discern between the port buildings

.36 Pilotage is compulsory. Vessels should send a request for pilotage 24 hours prior to arrival.

.36 Pilots board at the N or S entrance fairway at positions as shown on the chart.

.36 Vessels should contact Barcelona Traffic Coordinator on VHF channel 10 and Barcelona Pilots on VHF channel 14 one hour prior to arrival at the N or S lighted buoys. Vessels should then monitor VHF channel 10 until 2 miles from the appropriate buoy; VHF channel 14 should then be monitored for instructions.

.36 A speed limit of 4 knots is in force within the port.

Назад | сторінка 7 з 19 | Наступна сторінка

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