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Реферат Судноводіння на рівні управління

lign="justify"> .36 The roadstead is sheltered only from offshore winds and is dangerous in winter. Anchorage can be obtained by deep-draft vessels, in a depth of 40m, about 1 mile SE of the breakwater head. Small vessels may anchor closer inshore. The East Anchorage lies to the E of the harbor, as shown on the chart. The smaller South Anchorage is to the S of the harbor, as shown on the chart.

.36 Due to the existence of several submarine cables and a submarine gas pipeline, a prohibited anchoring and fishing area, the limits of which are shown on the chart, lies in the vicinity of the port.

.36 Caution is necessary when approaching from the S. Vessels should keep to the E of the lighted buoy marking the coastal bank.

.36 It is reported that extensive development is being carried out within the port. Work is in progress (2004) to extend the harbor SSW.

.36 A bridge, with vertical clearance of 20m, connects Muelle de Levante with Muelle de Poniente

.36 Work has commenced on two new sea walls. Additional work on a new quay is due to start within

Порт Ліворно (43 ° 33 «N., 10 ° 19» E.)

The large port of Livorno (Leghorn) lies centered 7 miles S of Marina di Pisa. The city stands on a plain between the hills and the sea. Several military facilities are situated here including the Italian Naval Academy and the Italian War College.

.37 Winds.Weatherfrom the W to NW prevail during the summer. During the winter, winds from the SE to SW are prevalent with occasional SW gales. After periods of SW and W winds, considerable swell is usually experienced in the entrance channel.

.37 Tides.Currentsrise about 0.5m at springs and 0.3m at neaps. During SE and SW winds, the water level may be increased by as much as 0.5m.

.37 In summer, a current may set S at a rate of 0.3 knot, between Secche della Meloria and the coast. With persistent W winds, it may attain a rate of 1.5 knots.

.37 DepthsN entrance is 330m wide and may only be used by small vessels up to 5.5m draft. The port can accommodate vessels up to 11.4m draft. The S and main entrance has a navigable width of 250m between the S end of Diga Curvilinea and the shoal water which extends from the shore at the E side. The entrance fairway is dredged to a depth of 12.5m .. Marzocco, a low breakwater, extends SW from the coast and protects the port from the N. Diga Meloria and Diga Curvilinea together form one long detached breakwater which protects the port from the W . Diga della Vegliaia, a low and detached breakwater, protects the port from the S. The outer heads of these breakwaters are marked by lights.

.37 Livorno Light is shown from a tower, 52m high, standing 0.5 mile NE of the outer head Diga della Vegliaia. A radiobeacon and a racon are situated at the light.

.37 An articulated light is moored 1.2 miles NW of the N head of Diga Meloria and marks the N approach channel.

.37 The coast to the N of the port consists of a low and even beach. Torre del Marzocco, a prominent tower with a tiled roof, stands at the S end of this beach near the root of Diga Marzocco.light-colored oil tanks are situated close N of this tower. <...

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