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Реферат Обробка металів лещатах

the northern people or metises. Not numerous ethnic groups make the remained twenty four percent of the population. In Albert speak in English. About two thirds of the population of the province are younger than forty years that does to Albert by one of the youngest provinces in the developed countries. To it, in particular, high level of immigration of young professionals from other countries of the world promotes. About eighty percent of all inhabitants of Alberta live in the cities and suburbs, and more than a half lives in two largest cities of the province-Edmonton and Calgary.Columbia. The majority of inhabitants of British Columbia - descendants the first settlers from the British Isles, however the population of the province are made by immigrants practically all nationalities. More than hundred thousand inhabitants of the province - descendants of thousands Chinese who took part in railroad construction in the territory of British Columbia at the end of the nineteenth century. In addition to it, more than sixty thousand inhabitants of the province a sort from India, and about sixteen thousand - from Japan. The number of representatives of indigenous people of the continent began to grow considerably in recent years and in one thousand nine hundred ninety first passed for hundred sixty five thousand people. British Columbia continues to attract immigrants: more than forty thousand people settle in the province every year therefore its population totals more than four million people - twelve percent of all population of Canada. Nearly sixty percent of all inhabitants live in Victoria and Vancouver, and also their suburbs. In Vancouver nearly two million inhabitants are is a third largest city of Canada. . For many years the population of Manitoba consisted generally of natives from the British Isles, however the new immigration policy changed a ratio of nationalities and now it is possible to find representatives of the majority of people of the world in the province. In Manitoba also lives a large number of French-speaking Canadians. Though Manitoba - one of the most sparsely populated provinces of Canada, it is the important center of several ethnic groups. For example, in Manitoba there lives the most large number of Ukrainians outside Ukraine. More than hundred fifteen thousand inhabitants of the province - Indians or metises. About sixty percent of all population of Manitoba live in the capital - Winnipeg. The second-large city, Brandon, is located in the southwest of the province.- BRANSVIK. The population of New Bransvika exceeds seven hundred fifty thousand people. In it lives about thirty five percent of French-speaking Canadians, and it is the only officially bilingual province of Canada. The first settlers of New Bransvika arrived from France, England, Scotland and Ireland, and after and from Germany, the Scandinavian countries and Asia. The municipal district New Denmark brags of the most numerous Danish colony in North America. Indians in the province total only twelve thousand people. The coast and valleys of the rivers of the province are especially occupied. Sacred John - the largest city of the province which Moncton and Fredericton, the capital of New Bransvika follow.ZEMLYA. Inhabitants of Novaya Zemlya - ancestors of natives of southwest England and the southern Ireland who immigrated to the province at the end of the eighteenth - the beginning of the nineteenth centuries. Land de...

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