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Реферати, твори, дипломи, практика » Учебные пособия » Professional sea English language

Реферат Professional sea English language

to do mis job.may also happen that the ship will need dry docking for cleaning the bottom and repairs to the hull. A tug-boat will then be required to manoeuvre the ship into the dock.ships require big tow-lines. Most modern vessels are provided with steel wire tow-lines of sufficient length. It is advisable to use wire hawsers connected with a good length of manila rope, as this will afford the necessary elasticity to tow-lines. Tug-boat towing the vessels may either pull them or push them ahead.a rule, port tugs are well equipped and use their own lines and hawsers for towing. In such cases masters of ships arrange with the captain of a tug how tug-lines should be secured, which side should the tug approach the ship etc.ship may become disabled at sea and in this case she will need some other vessel or a tug to tow her to the nearest port. She may then have to ask the nearest vessel for assistance and such a vessel may not be specialized in towing. In such cases the masters of both vessels will have to settle many problems before the actual towing can begin. They must discuss what tow-lines should be used, how the distressed vessel should be approached, how the lines should be passed over and secured and how long they must be.a disabled vessel a long way is a very difficult task because the weather may suddenly change and make the towing extremely dangerous.towing and towed vessels communicate with each other to coordinate their actions. Nowadays they usually do it by VHF radiotelephone.2. Answer the questions

What may a tug be required for when in port? What kind lines can be used for towing? What combination of lines is recommended for towing and why? What must the master of a ship settle with the master of a tug? What happens if a ship becomes disabled at sea? How can it be towed into a port? Why is it difficult to tow a vessel a long way? Why should the towing and the towed vessels communicate with each other?

Exercise 3. Correct the mistakes

It is forbidden to use wire hawsers connected with a good length of manila rope, as this will spoil the elasticity of tow-lines. The port tug is usually ordered to manoeuvre the ship clear of ecologically sensitive areas. Towing a disabled vessel a long way is a very difficult task because the master's mood may suddenly change and make the towing extremely dangerous. As a rule, port tugs are well equipped and use their own chains for towing. In such cases masters of ships arrange with the captain of a tug how tug-lines should be called, which side should the tug leave the ship etc.

Exercise 4. Read and learn the following Standard Marine Communication Phrases. Record your own voice. Replay the original and your own version

Допомога буксіраTug assistanceСколько буксирів вам потрібно? How many tugs do you require? Мені потрібно ... буксіровI require ... tug (s) Чи повинен я брати буксир (-и)? Must I take tug (s)? Так, ви повинні брати буксир (-s) Yes, you must take ... tug (s) Ні, вам не треба брати буксир (-и) No, you need not take tug (s) Скільки я повинен взяти буксирів? How many tugs must I take? Ви повинні взяти ... буксир (-ів) відповідно до Портовими правіламіYou must take .. tug (s) according to Pon RegulationsВи повинні взяти ... буксир (-ів) з носа і ... буксир (-ів) з кормиYou must take ... tug (s) fore and ... tug (s) aftЯ замовлю буксир (-и) I will order tug (s) В якому місці буксир (-и) зустрінуть мене? In what position will tug (s) meet me? Буксир (-и) будуть зустрічати вас в місці ... в. . місцевого временіTug (s) will meet you in position ... at ... local timeЖдіте буксир (-и) в точці ... (Місце розташування) Wait for tug (s) in position ... Чи повинен я використовувати свої буксирні троси? Must I take my towing lines? Так, ви повинні використовувати свої буксирні тросиYes, you must take your towing linesНет, ви не повинні використовувати свої буксирні тросиNo, you must take towing lines of tugПомощь буксирів припинена до ... (Дата і місцевий час) Tug services suspended until ... (Date and local time) Допомога буксирів поновлюється ... (Дата) в ... місцевого временіTug services resumed on ... (Date at ... local time) Ми будемо використовувати .. буксир (-и) We will take ... tug (s) Буксир (-и) буде (-уть) тягнути/толкатьTug (s) will pull/pushМи приймаємо буксирний (-і) трос (-и) з суднаWe take lines of vesse...

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