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Реферат Kursovaya rabota po ekom

industries is largely at the expense of the budget, on the basis of State national and international programs, public incentives for R amp; AMP; D in priority directions of development of scientific and technical progress., The task of distribution created by gross domestic product, not only is based on traditional forms, but with an ever greater resources, both large companies and the State to invest in the development of human factor raquo ;: financing education systems, including retraining of various skills, improve health services, social spending.recent decades in Western countries and most developed countries in other regions of the world all the more pronounced are the contours of the future, replaced by modern capitalism of a post-industrial society. Its characteristic features are:

changing production and consumption patterns, mainly due to the increasing role of services. For example, in Russia at the beginning of the 90 's. services dominate over goods in the structure of gross domestic product (GDP);

increase the level of education, particularly through the post-secondary.;

a new attitude to work, as well as for highly educated workers are creative attitude and high requirements to the interpersonal relationships in the workplace;

increased focus on the environment, particularly through the transition to sustainable development, that is, restricting the blind use of natural resources;

humanization (socialization) of the economy, the main focus of investments as well as budget becomes the man himself ( human capital );

the informatization of society and in the world is steadily increasing the number of producers of knowledge (employed in science and scientific service), distributors (information networks, educational institutions, innovative firms) and consumers (society) ;

Renaissance small businesses, primarily due to the rapid updating and high product differentiation;

globalization of economic activities, for the remarkable number of firms, the world has become a single market, the single market for many firms became their region of the world, for an even larger number of companies exporting and importing products and economic resources is not an episodic, and systematic operation.

3. Post-industrial society as a modern economic system

theory of post-industrial society refers to the 60-s of the XX century. One of the first to use the term in his writings and lectures of r. Aaron, d. Riesman, d. Bell, w. Rostov, a. Touraine and others. In 1 973, the book of d. Bella the coming post-industrial society raquo ;, which caused great interest in the subject. By d. Bell, post-industrial society is a society whose economy makes the transition from preferential priority in the production of goods to the production of services, research, education and quality of life; which class of technicians became the main occupational group and most importantly that innovation. It became increasingly dependent on achievement of theoretical knowledge. Post-industrial society. implies the emergence of a new class, whose representatives at the political level to act as consultants, experts or technocrats of this theory believe that the boundaries separating economic systems from each other, are industrial and scientific-technical revolution. Depending on the degree of industrial and economic development of the society provide three levels of society:

do-industrial society;

industrial society;

post-industrial society.industrial subsistence agriculture predominated. The individual could not survive without being in one way or another, linked to the land and to agricultural process. The man was included in the biological cycles of nature, was forced to adapt to them, measured with the biological rhythm of agricultural production.a direct manufacturer and its function in the production process, purpose and means, the quality and quantity of manufactured products were determined not only the level of development of the productive forces, but also specific individuals: a workers Association, to which the individual belonged (primitive or peasant community, craft shop, etc.); or representatives of the dominant class, personal relationship, which direct the manufacturer stayed (whether rent collector-tax State, owners or Asian feudal Lord) .of the artificial, man-made tools certainly has helped to overcome dependency on human nature, creation of conditions for transition from natural productive forces to the public. Development of tools, technology has allowed humans to increase measure power over external nature. Technology acts as a second nature raq...

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