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Реферат Kursovaya rabota po ekom

uo ;, like nature, the transformed man.industrial revolution liberates the individual from personal dependence comes personal independence. It is evident that the appropriation of the means of production and subsistence are not indirectly in the market economy-based human to any team. Each commodity producer your own risk and determine what and how much to produce, to whom, when and under what conditions to implement their products., This formal personal independence has as its basis the full ve? nu? dependence on other producers (and, above all, dependence on the production and consumption of life benefits). Prerequisites for its overcoming in the transition from industrial society to a post-industri al.the course of scientific and technical revolution of science becomes a direct productive force, the comprehensive productive forces are the lead element of the productive forces. If after the Neolithic revolution is producing economy was based on agriculture, but the result of the industrial revolution has been the emergence of economy, which was originally a light and, later, heavy industry, the STD is post-industrial economy. The Centre of gravity is transferred to the non-production sector. If in the agrarian economy, a leading element was Earth, and industrial capital, modern-limiting factor becomes information, knowledge.leads to significant changes in the sitting of the productive forces. Pre-industrial cities arose at the intersections of trade routes, industrial, near sources of raw materials and energy, technopoles post-industrial era grow up around a research centers and major research laboratories.industrial subsistence agriculture predominated. The individual could not survive without being in one way or another, linked to the land, the agricultural process. The land was a compound of the individual worker s body, there was no natural unity labor with its natural prerequisites. The man was included in the biological cycles of nature, was forced to adapt to them, measured with the biological rhythm of agricultural production.society. Improvement of the artificial, man-made tools certainly has helped to overcome dependency on human nature, creation of conditions for transition from natural productive forces to the public. Development of tools, technology has allowed humans to increase measure power over external nature. Technology acts as a second nature raquo ;, like nature, the transformed man.industrial revolution liberates the individual from personal dependence comes personal independence. It is evident that the appropriation of the means of production and subsistence are not indirectly in the market economy-based human to any team. Each commodity producer at your own risk and determine what and how much to produce, to whom, when and under what conditions to implement their products. However, this formal personal independence has as its basis the full dependence on other producers (and, above all, dependence on the production and consumption, life benefits) .of relations between manufacturers is an embryo disposition, characterizing the various aspects of the situation in a market economy, the rule of the last labor of living labor, product, over the things of man. Prerequisites for overcoming it are in the transition from industrial society to a post-industrial.industrial society.the course of scientific and technical revolution of science becomes a direct productive force, the comprehensive productive forces are the lead element of the productive forces. If after the Neolithic revolution is producing economy was based on agriculture, but the result of the industrial revolution has been the emergence of a postagrarnoj economy, which was originally a light and, later, heavy industry, the STD is post-industrial economy.Centre of gravity is transferred to the non-production sector. In the mid - 80 's, more than 70 per cent of the population of the United States were working in the services sector. If in the agrarian economy, a leading element was Earth, and industrial capital, the modern is a limiting factor, information becomes knowledge.technologies are the result of labor is no longer talented tinkers and vysokolobyh intellectuals raquo ;. The outcome of their activities - the revolution in telecommunications. If vH1H is the first half of the 20th century, the main form of communication were newspapers, magazines, books, then added telephone, Telegraph, radio and television, all of them are being replaced by means of computer-mediated communication. Knowledge and information are becoming strategic resources. This leads primarily to significant changes in the sitting of the productive forces.the city arose at the intersections of trade routes, industrial, near sources of raw materials and energy, techno poles post-industrial era grow up around a research centers and major research laboratories (Silicon Valley in the United States). In developed countries ...

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