рон. Дан. і прогр. - Оренбург: ОДУ, 2004. - Режим доступу: # "justify">
Додаток Текст програми
unit Unit1;, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,, ComCtrls, StdCtrls, Grids, ShellAPI; = class (TForm): TGroupBox;: TEdit;: TEdit;: TUpDown;: TLabel;: TLabel;: TLabel;: TStringGrid;: TLabel;: TEdit;: TEdit;: TEdit;: TLabel;: TLabel;: TLabel;: TEdit;: TEdit;: TLabel;: TGroupBox;: TLabel; : TEdit;: TUpDown;: TStringGrid;: TLabel;: TGroupBox;: TLabel;: TEdit;: TUpDown;: TStringGrid;: TGroupBox;: TButton;: TStringGrid;: TButton;: TButton;: TButton;: TButton;: TButton ;: TGroupBox;: TMemo;: TButton;: TButton;: TButton;: TButton;: TGroupBox;: TMemo;: TSaveDialog;: TOpenDialog; Button1Click (Sender: TObject); Button5Click (Sender: TObject); Button4Click (Sender: TObject ); Button7Click (Sender: TObject); Button8Click (Sender: TObject); Button9Click (Sender: TObject); Button10Click (Sender: TObject); Button11Click (Sender: TObject); Button2Click (Sender: TObject); Button3Click (Sender: TObject) ; Button6Click (Sender: TObject);
{Private declarations}
{Public declarations};: TForm1; FF1: textfile;
{$ R *. dfm}, Smena_DU, T_sm, Emkost, Razmer_SZ, PZ, Nomenkl: integer;, L_skl, Skor_TT: real;, Koord: array [1 .. 100] of real; , Posled: array [1 .. 500] of integer;: array [1 .. 10] of integer; _S, ProStan, OtrStan: array [1 .. 10] of real;: array [1 .. 500] of real ;, Zaqwka, otpraw, Pribyt, Gnezdo: integer;, ProsTT, SumTT, Wremq: real; _PZ, Kol_PZ: array [1 .. 100] of integer;: boolean; SKLAD; i, j, gnezdo: integer; i: = 1 to Emkost do KodSklad [i]: = 0;; j: = 0; i: = 1 to Razmer_SZ doGnezdo: = Random (Emkost +1) KodSklad [Gnezdo] = 0; [gnezdo]: = Posled [i] ;: = j +1;;; SZ;, j, k, a, s: integer; Form1 do: = StrToInt (Edit9.Text);
stringgrid3.Cells [0,1]: = 'Êîä Ï.Ç.';
stringgrid3.Cells [0,2]: = 'Êîë. øò. ';
stringgrid3.colcount: = pz +1; i: = 1 to PZ to PZ doj: = 1 to Kol_PZ [i] dok: = k +1; Posled [k]: = Kod_PZ [i]; end; _SZ: = k;; WWOD; i: integer;: = false; Form1 do: = StrToInt (Edit1.Text); _DU: = StrToInt (Edit2.Text); i: = 1 to Stanki do to Nomenkl do WremqDU [i]: = StrToFloat (StringGrid2.Cells [i-1, 1]);
// SZ;;;; NULL; i: integer;: = 0; Otpraw: = 1; WreOtr: = 0; ProsTT: = 0; SumTT: = 0; i: = 1 to Stanki do [i]: = 0; OtrStan [i]: = 0; ProStan [i]: = 0; SumPR_S [i]: = 0;;; POISK (ZAGOT: integer); i: integer; i: = 1 to Emkost doZAGOT = KodSklad [i] then begin Gnezdo: = i; Exit;;
ShowMessage ('Íà ñêëà äå ГГҐГІ ГГіГ¦Гîé çà ãîòîâêè'); Halt; STAN...