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Реферат The British language teaching

n="justify"> stir means that activities wake them up, stimulate them. In a negative sense, it may be that the activity over-excite them or allow them to become unconstructively restless. There are other activities, which have the opposite effect. They seem to settle the children. To put it positively, that means they will calm a class down. The negative side of this is to say that some activities will bore the class into inertia.we know the effect of activities like this, we can plan lesson, which neither stay stuck in dullness nor get out of hand in excitement. So it is useful to make your own list from experience of your particular class or classes. For example, most teachers find copying quietens children like magic. So does colouring. Competitions, on the other hand make children excited and noisy.way of looking at it is in terms of the different effects of different language skills. Oral work always seems to stir. Listening usually settles. You can equally well apply the same stir/settle distinction to any typical and regular teaching. For example, you perhaps have a routine oral exchange of several sentences with which you regularly begin a lesson. Ask yourself whether it basically stir or settles. There may be occasions when it is not an appropriate start.will help to think of any classroom event in this way. What happens when you hand out books? If the answer in your experience is stir then there will be occasions when you quite deliberately choose to delay the event until you have settled the classroom down. In order to have the freedom to adapt, we need to know the effect of what we do. So you count make up a chart, which reflects your experience.example:

Usually stirsUsually settles oral workcopyingcompetitionscolouringlottolistening (if they have something to do) doing playstests (if not too difficult) songsbeing read todrama games that the headings say usually . This is because as soon as we start doing this, we find ourselves saying sometimes like, В«Well oral work does stir but, in a funny sort of way, chorus work seems to calm them down.В» Or В«Pairwork makes them noisy so I suppose it sa stirrer, but sometimes they get so absorbed in what they are doing that they settleВ». So we have to take into consideration all these aspects, which help us to plan our lesson successfully.

12. The role of the Teacher

teacher plays different parts in the course of teaching. The teacher adopts a variety of roles according to the activity conducted in the classroom.a manager the teacher gives instructions for pupils. As a model the tea...

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