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Реферат Working capital

nd - in the days of turnover, the third - in terms of money. Thus, the auxiliary parameters are derived from the ratio of the same and characterize the effectiveness of current assets, just with different positions [2, sec. 239] Planning of working capital is subject to estimates of production costs and non-production needs and business plan that covers and connects the industrial and financial performance, creating just that the conditions for successful business operations and business development.purpose of the functioning of current assets is to maintain continuity of the production process. But this continuity may in each case supported by the different amount of current assets. At the same time know that this must achieve a minimum number. To evaluate the efficiency of current use of certain figures (turnover ratio, load factor, the length of one turnover, profitability) and to increase efficiency - appropriate methods (optimization of inventory and work in progress, reducing the duration of the production cycle, improvement of logistics; acceleration time of production). This acceleration of turnover contribute: first, to increase production per unit operating costs of the enterprise and, secondly, the release of drugs, and therefore - to create additional reserves to expand production In accordance with the composition, structure and availability of working capital and planned production volume of business can make profits with minimal costs. If underreporting of working capital available to supply disruptions and production process, reducing output and income of arrears and debt, other negative phenomena in economic activities.excess of current assets leads to the accumulation of over dimensional inventory of raw materials, erosion of savings, and conditions for use of working capital for other purposes. [11, sec. 289 - 291] Management of working capital consists in ensuring the continuity of the process of production and sales with the least amount of working capital. This means that the company's current assets should be distributed throughout all stages of the cycle in the appropriate form and in a minimal but sufficient. In today's environment where businesses are self-financed in full, the correct definition of requirements for working capital is of particular importance.process of developing commercially reasonable quantities of working capital needed for normal operation of the enterprise, called the valuation of current assets. Thus, standardization of working capital is to determine the amounts of working capital needed to form a permanent minimum and at the same time, sufficient material values, the minimum balance in progress and other current assets. Normalization of working capital facilitates the identification of internal reserves, shortening the production cycle, faster realization of finished products. [10, sec. 174] Pertain to the working capital that are in inventory, work in progress, quanti...

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